Found out

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Jin Pov

Hearing pounding at the door we ran to open it. Falling over one another to see what the emergency was. the minute i opened the door i saw yoongi falling to the floor and namjoon with his hand in the air behind yoongi. Everybody then put two and two together.

As they were yelling at namjoon. I checked on yoongi, and he had blacked out. I carried him to the room while everybody was trying to stop, the bloodthirsty, namjoon from attacking yoongi again.

Suga Pov

I woke up to a splitting headache. I was in my room with jin by my side sleeping. I remembered what happened yesterday and jolted again from all the commotion outside the door. Jin woke up too.

Then said "Morning, are you okay? Do you remeber what happened yeaterday?"

"Yea" I replied. Then asked "Who was that person? Why were you guys yelling at him like you knew him?"

Looking at Jin. He had a sad and scared look on his face. I wanted to know what was going on so I asked him using my best angry/serious voice "What is going on jin, tell me."

Jin broke down and was crying. I was stunned to see him do that so I called out to the others who also came running in as soon as they heard him. They had a look on their face. A look i knew too well. They started to make a big commotion. Frustrated by the crying from jin and the questions in my head i yelled "WHAT IS GOING ON!!!" Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at me. They started to answer me all at one.

"Wait! One at a time." I said in a calm manner.

"Ok." Jimin replied. "So here I go. We are what you humans would call Vampires. We need blood to survive." "Technically we don't need blood to survive but it does taste better than human food, so yea." Taehyung replied trying to correct Jimin, but didn't in the end.

No Pov

Yoongi could not understand what Jimin said so he laughed and thought not true. "Nope it's very much true." Namjoon answered coming in the room. He looked sad and had a guilty tone when he spoke again "I was the one to attack you. I'm sorry. I just needed blood so bad and couldn't take it anymore. I just followed my nose to what smelled good, and got to you. I'm Sorry" Yoongi was stunned. He was thinking. While everybody had a worried face plastered on them.

"So you are all Vampires?" Yoongi asked breaking the silence. "Yes." They all replied.

Surrounded// Yoongi x BtsWhere stories live. Discover now