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-2 years ago-

The heat was too strong for you to bear. The skin on your face felt seemingly tight as the flames rose higher and higher, engulfing one wall of the flat.

You could do nothing but to watch helplessly from your crouched fetus position at the far most corner of the house, hoping that the neighbours would have already called the fire-fighters.

As the heat became more intense, you could almost feel the tears flowing down your face evaporating instantly. You buried your head in your knees and whispered a silent prayer for yourself and your father. You didn't know where he had been hiding, but you hoped he was safe.

Just then, a bloodcurdling shout of extreme pain made you jerk your head towards the source of the sudden sound. It lasted for only a mere second, before it ended as quickly as it started.

Your father was gone. Dead. Burned to ashes. The only family you had left, gone in a flash.

But before you could think anymore of it, a loud creaking sounded over the crackling of the huge fire. And as you turned your head upwards, your teary eyes widened as rocks pelted down towards you, dragging you into endless, deep oblivion.


The first things you notice when you awake are the unfamiliar environment you're in. The walls are so white that it was almost blinding for your eyes. The room was so silent that even the rhythmic tick-tocking of the wall clock sounded deafening. In the air there was a strange smell of death, and you didn't like it. Your hands feel around the material that you're lying on. The feel of soft cotton was foreign to you as you've never been able to sleep comfortably for nights in the shabby flat.

The flat.

The fire.

Your father.

Then the most excruciating thought, which was, ultimately, reality, hit you like a truck.

Your father was dead.

You couldn't imagine how long you had been asleep as your could feel the skin of your lips being ripped away from the flesh as you tore your mouth open to scream for your father.

But what came out was nothing but deep, heavy wheezing. Your eyes widened in terrified shock.

Your voice. Your voice was... gone.

And as you clutched your throat, you forced yourself to scream and shout with all the strength that you had, but nothing came out.

You could feel your eyes stinging as tears clouded your vision. Sobs wrecked your fragile body as the tears cascaded down your cheeks, never-ending and full of the sorrow that you knew you would never stop feeling.


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