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                 Detective Katherine McGuire did not miss the lack of grief roaming the halls. The headmaster had listed Kidman as beloved.... among other things. But the walls of this godforsaken school said otherwise. She turned away from the bannister, her plastic, bootie covered sneakers squeaking on the over polished tiled floor, and ran a gloved finger over each line of dried paint which ran stark against the pristine white of the popcorn surface. Kate slowly put one foot behind the other until she stood five paces back, and analyzed the view.


What it meant, she had no idea. However, the M.O was strikingly similar to a case she had worked just over four years ago. It couldn't have been a coincidence that her prime suspect was a student here, too.

"McGuire!" Her partner called from where he was crouched down beside the body. In his fist he held a piece of crumpled paper. "Found this in his pocket."

She made her way towards the giant of a man with long confident strides, then straightened out the material to read the scratchy words out loud.

"He hid in plain sight,

All his victims had lost the fight,

He fulfilled his needs,

By doing the worst of deeds,

Tick, tock,

Karma's caught up and cut off his ***k.

  The next is a liar,

Who deserves to be burnt in a fire,

A victim once,

A villain now,

This hypocrite will bow. 

JINX." She looked up, feeling a strange, prickling sensation at the base of her neck. 

She was being watched.

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