Chapter 13: How'd You Get Here?

Start from the beginning

When I open the door, I'm hit with a large gust of wind that takes the door out of my hand making it slam against the wall behind it.

I curse while quickly grabbing the door again and sprinting towards Bo's place. His place is around a 10 minute jog.


I made it in 6 while sprinting away from my house. I called Bo on the way, and got  no answer. I call again, while panting at his front door. Still no answer. I'm left with no choice. Actually I was left with 2 or 3 choices, but I chose the fun one.

Bo's room had a tree next to it. It's cliché I know, but he insisted on having that room just in case his 'long lost lover' wanted to get in. His words not mine.

But being the person I am, I climb the tree to his window. I attempt to open it, it slipped up easily. I quietly enter his room, to see him peacefully asleep on his bed. I shut the window and turned to look at him again. I wasn't sweaty due to the temperature outside.  I check my phone, it's only 6:45. I went to Bo's bed and push him over knowing it would wouldn't wake him and slip in next to him and let sleep take over my system.

"What the f—k?!" Bo screamed hoarsely. I open my eyes, and look around to see Bo staring at me confused.

"Oh. Good morning sunshine." I said yawning while stretching.

"How'd you get here?"

"I ran."

"Okay, but why?"

"My parents are home." I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Oh. Oh..." as he realized.


"Wait!" He said looking at me while knitting his eyebrows together. "How'd you get in here?"

"Threw the window."

"Ellie! You could've gotten hurt, dumba$$!" He said hitting my on my head.

"But I didn't" I said holding my hands in the air to show I was perfectly fine.

"But you could've!" He said hitting me again.

"If you don't quit hitting me, I will key your car!" I warned.

"You wouldn't! You know how long it took me to earn the money for that!"

"Exactly, don't hit me again."

"Jerk." He muttered.

"You know you love me."

"Nope." He laughed. Before I could reply, my phone dinged. I looked at it to see a message from Chance. It's currently 9 o' o clock.

Chance: "Hey! What're you doing today?"

Me: "Nothing much, probably just gonna hang out with Bo."

Chance: "Oh fun."

Me: "Yeah I guess-

"Hey!" Bo said while reading my texts over my shoulder.

"You fine," I said while rolling my eyes.

Me: "Yeah I guess, what about you?"

Chance: "What about me?"

Me: "What're you doing today, duh."

Chance: "HaHa! I knew that. Nothing much. Probably stay at home."

Me: "Oh. Okay."

Then something popped in my head.

"Hey Bo?"

"Mm?" He said from texting on his own phone. I guess he got bored with my texts.

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