Chapter 13: How'd You Get Here?

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      I woke up to glass shattering then a slam.
My parents still haven't came home, so that means I'm in the house alone. I was at least.

I don't know what to do. This has never happened to me, I haven't prepared for if someone breaks in. I'm going to die! Even if I called my parents, what would they do? Fly back here? Unlikely. Even if they had somehow gained some sort of love, or even care, for me, they'd come home to me dead. I can't call Bo, he'd sleep threw it. I can't call Chance either, I mean I'm not up to getting someone else killed as well. Hell, if I'm gonna die, I'm not going to die cowering away in my room.

I get up and quietly open my bedroom door, poking my head out of the door glancing to see if anyone is in the hallway, no one was there. I look around my room for some type of thing I can use as a weapon. My eyes land on my umbrella, I grab it thanking myself for being lazy. It was supposed to be in the jacket closet downstairs, but I kept putting off putting it back. Honestly I never used the closet anyways. I tiptoe through the hallway and  down the stairs. My umbrella was raised above my shoulders, like you would hold a baseball bat. I get to the last step and turn to the right and walk into the dining room, which is connected to the kitchen by a swinging door. I go threw the dining room and get to the door I see the light shining from underneath it. I push the door slowly with my hip, my umbrella still raised, and see a shattered glass on the floor with a clear substance spread underneath it. I know it's not water because I see the Vodka bottle on the counter, half empty. And the usually locked, liquor cabinet open. The smell was putrid. Too make the matters worse, I see my mother lying on the ground unconscious, puke surrounding her face. Explains the smell. 

I walk to her lowering the umbrella and dropping it. I kneel down beside her and begin to shake her. She doesn't wake up.

This isn't that rare. Usually when my parents come home it's their only time to drink and "relax." They don't usually tell me when they're coming home, so I should've expected this. It's happened before. But this is the first time she's passed out.

I know I can't pick her up, so I bring a blanket and lay it on her after cleaning the vomit. I pick up the glass and clean up the alcohol. Afterwards I went back to bed, and became trapped in my thoughts.

Mom was a very bad drinker. She could hardly hold her liquor and is the tired drunk. She gets super exhausted which explains why she passed out. Dad on the other hand, held his liquor, getting angrier by the bottle. He drank, drank and drank. Until he could hardly stand. When he got to that point he got really abusive, and scary. He would usually take it out on me. Hitting me, kicking me, shoving me, verbally abuse.

They always drink so much when they come here. They don't stay long. A couple days to a week at most. I can only assume dad is still at the bar, or wherever he went. They always travel together. I assume they came home just to get away from their job, not to check on me. I'll just get up early and go to Bo's avoid mom waking up and dad being awake.

After setting my alarm clock for 6:30, I laid back down and let my heavy eyelids close, and sleep overcome me.



I quickly turn off my alarm after remembering why it's set. I get up put on a   white T, a pair of dotted joggers, with a matching sweater because it's chilly in the mornings. I put my running shoes on, grabbed my phone, earbuds and quietly cracked my bedroom door. I listened carefully, but didn't hear anything.

All clear, now hurry up and leave before they wake up!

I open my door, step out and speed walk down the stairs. I quietly walk past the dining room and open the front door.

Simply UniqueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora