Chapter 2 : Mission

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       I was ushered in to a familiar room. In this room was a big reflexive mirror, but I'm not stupid. I know its a one-way window.

As usual there was a steel metal table in the middle, surrounded by metal chairs. I steadly walked over to the chair across from the mirror.

Be calm. Be calm. The calmer you are the better you make yourself look.

The door to my left creeked open and a man along with a guard walked in to the room. The guard was only reconizable because of the uniform. he carried no gun or hand cuffs along with him.

The man could be in his late thirties, dressed causally in a navy suit and white shirt. I could sense the mates aura about him.

"Hello." He said as he draged a chair out and sat down at the table.

"I'm here for my sons." He stated. "I'm the current Alpha of the SivlerMoon pack and I'm hopeing to retire soon. I want my oldest son to step up, but he doesn't have a mate."

I stared blandly at him. The information wasn't exactly

"ome on sir, she doesn't have a mind of her own just give her the assignment not your life story." the graud spoke up to him.

i just blinked. it didn't blother me how i was spoke of why should i even care? i'm a thing to them nota person nothing i do will change that.

" sooo ya. ok here" he said handing me a vanallia folder.

i toke it and opened it inside was the picture of three boys labeled as: Trent (19), Alex[ander] (17), Jacob (16).

all of them had light curly blonde hair and a mixer of green and blue eyes

easy anough i looked to the man and nodded and with that i walked out of the room with the folder running over possible looks in my head. nomally form the boys looks the mates' looks will counter act to a girl a lot like me;wavy dark brown, hair brown-green eyes,tan. but personality was a big roll.

deported that night to the Alpha's pack, the only thing to look forward to was seeing the sun and greater longing for my forever unknown mate.

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