Chapter 13: Wrong

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Trent lead me thought the dark woods. There wasn't any path to follow. At times we had to pause to jump over streams and fallen logs that i had no memory of before i fell. Of course that thought never bothered me because Trent never let go of my hand once.

We past the trees were I had found them. I could feel my anger rise, but with one quick rub of his thumb on the back of my hand it simmered down just as quickly as it came.

A strange feeling came about me as we walked closer to the house causing me to slow our pace. All the lights were on but no music streamed out the back sliding door, which apparently I must have left open. The closer we drew, the stronger the feeling got.

It clung to me like a second skin of energy, pulsing around me. The feeling constricted my movements. I could hear my heart beating in my ears. My eyes kept fluttering and my stomach flipped.

Trent stopped and pulled me to face him.

"Shhh...its fine, nobody will care that it took a while. There is no to be nervous, Henna."

He told me as he started to stroke my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his touch. This is what being mates were like. But then his words sunk in.

I pushed his arms away with one swift movement of my own. He looked perplexed that I would reject his touch.

"Trent," I shivered at saying my mate's own name," I'm not nervous the-"

"Sh, it's ok." He said as he cut me off.

He brought his hands around to touch me again. I blocked him by moving.

"No, I'm not someth-"I tried to speak.

The rest of what I was going to say was muffed off by Trent's shoulder.

"Henna, just admit your nervous. It is nothing to be ashamed about."

I tried to break free again but my touchy-feely mate had trapped me in his arms by crisscrossing them around my back like steel bars. I struggled for a bit before an idea hit me and I relaxed as best as I could with all these new emotions in my head, my love for my new mate, the strange feeling, the worries in the back of my mind.

I leaned over my toes to reach his mouth, weaving my arms around his neck as I gained height.

I watched as his eyes, that I didn't even know at the time had closed, opened. He surveyed me, waiting anxiously to see if I was going in the same directions as he wished I would.

The look he gave me scared me truthfully. The way he stared made me thing that his wolf was close to the surface. And by the intensified tingle running through my arms I would guess mind was close to, but farther away than Trent's seemed to be as he drew me closer than I thought I could stand.

He leaned his face down to mine. I shrank back a bit. I unfolded my arms from his neck hoping that he would get the message I was trying to send.

Just as he reached my very, very personal space, I turned my head to his ear.

"Trent, "I tried to say. All I got out of him was a low moan. He took it against himself to rub his face along my shoulders that were exposed in this dress.

As much as I love that he did that in a mate point of view, my experiment point of view was going crazy inside because I was being touched and I had have far from anything so personal in my entire life.

The way he was touching me way too much and he needed to stop.


"Trent, something is wrong. " I tried to sound strong but it can out like a whisper.

"Trent, something is wrong. " Again

"Trent, something is wrong. " Louder! Again.

He started kissing down my shoulder. I can to the abrupt thought that I knew nothing about mates beside how to find them. What it he was doing something in line of the mating process? I wouldn't know how to stop him.

"Trent, something is wrong. "Again. Even louder!

"Trent, something is wrong! "Again. More!

He moaned again but finally drew his head back up. His hair was disheveled and he has this look in his eyes that flipped my stomach more that the strange feeling did.

"What?" he asked hoarsely.

As he talked the chilling gleam of his lengthened teeth shown through the night's darkness.

"Let's get inside." I was hoping that being around people would hold off any thought of taking thing further than I was comfortable with.

He grabbed at my gabbed and I hesitantly gave it to him. At this point I was worried that any physical contact would cause him to lose all humanity. I had never heard of a mate jumping their one and only without their consent, but that didn't mean it had never happened before in our world.

He pulled me behind him as he all but full out ran form the house. The thought of what possibly put a spring in his step so suddenly wasn't the most encouraging to have.

I trailed him into the deserted kitchen. Everything was left were it had been before I left. In fact the same carrot the Luna was chopping was still on the cutting board by the knife she had in her hands.

Had we been gone for a long time?

I felt the need to call out a greeting of some kind, a hello maybe, but with absents of every normal sound I had come to know in my short time in the house, I was scared to do so.

I looked to Trent, who had yet to drop my hand. His face had dropped that lusting playful act as he realized the utter abnormality of silence in the house.


It feels so weird to thing that a year ago I had come up with this idea and back then 'The Ball' was "Its A Bloody Ball" and it was my most rated book in my drafts.

Now it is this book.

I know I haven't written all summer. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

for my life update~

I got my class schedule yesterday and walked my classes!

No counting this, this chapter is 1,007 words!

We have reached over 6,100 views!
And 220 votes!

I hope if you really like this book you'll back and vote on my other chapters.

I plan on working on this more, I promise!


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