Chapter 14: Warned

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Chapter 14: Warned

The silence increased in my ears. Trent pulled at my hand. I looked down at our linking fingers, following the line of smooth skin that disappeared into shirt sleeve. I raised my eyes to his.

Trent was looking at me with a worried tilt to his mouth. I didn't know if it was for my weird actions or for the house full of people that seemed to have disappeared.

Together we shuffled out of the kitchen.

What we found was a surprise for the the both of us, though i suspected it could have been more of a shock for Trent.

Standing in a sea of frozen bodies was an experiment.

He just stood there cold and collected with his arms crossed. I am imagine that's how I looked when I worked before I met Trent. His hair was blond and hung over his ears. The deep brown eye of his swept to my face and then to Trent's before landing on our intertwined fingers.

Trent's other arm reached around and behind him to pull me to his back as he to a protective stance.

A warm jolt hit me when I realized that Trent saw this experiment as a threat to my safety.

The experiment huffed at the jester as he uncrossed his arms and moved them inside his pant's pockets. He gave a slit snicker when his actions cause Trent to tense. The sound perched at my ears.

It was unusual for so one so fresh from the Lab to be so...openly free.

"Hi, I am ex:7921-3469-B68-K4W, sp: lupin genetic " He said in a deep voice.

He crossed the room to get closer to us, casually dodging frozen bodies. I spotted Alex in the back with his newly found by the coolers.

Tent backed us up closer to the kitchen doors ready to make a run for it in case of danger. His hands had released my arms and encased my waist so I was held firmly to his back.

"Down doggy" the experiment joked, raising his hands in a no-harm way.

"I'm just here to give information to ex:7921-3469-B68-K4H, sp: lupin genetic" he continued, his eyes glue to mine over Trent's shoulder.

He moved to pull something out of his jacket. Trent growled lowly causing the experiment to smile cheekily as he removed a manila folder with my code written on it in bold black pen.

"There are somethings you and your mate need to talk about" He stated almost serious.

He placed the folder on a near by coffee table and turned back to us.

"you know how to contact me" He said

He gave me an almost bewildered look before moving towards the door.

"Wait!" I rushed, pushing out from behind Trent, who had decided on being my lupine shield.

"Who are you?" I questioned him when Trent had caught my arm and moved me back after three feet.

"I go by a normal name as you do, Henna." His hand was on the door knob.

"but what is it? What am I to call you? Why am I to call you?" I struggled out.

"I go by Wyatt." He flashed a grin that caused Trent to growl againg. "And all will be answered afterwards."

"After what?" Trent spoke up.

I looked to him and noticed how close he was to shifting. I could nearly feel the anger and adrenaline that pumped through him. The threat to a mate and a lot more was going on here. His hold on me tighten and I worried how long I had left before he went wolf on this Wyatt and if I would be able to calm him down in time.

"After you have been warned." Wyatt's words lingered in the air.

When I blinked he was no longer there.

Then the music sounded again and people were off dancing unaware of the tension that filled the bubble surrounding me and Trent.

We looked to one another before to the coffee table where Wyatt had set the folder.

Ok so it is short and unedited but this is where i got.

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