Chapter 12

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Okay y'all, I'm so so so so soooooooooo sorry for not updating in a long time. I now am going to start making the chapters longer. So yeah. Also, wish me luck, cuz I'm auditioning for two plays this summer, Aladdin and High School Musical (I love acting if ya haven't noticed) but I will try to make lots of time for my writing. I hope you are very SATISFIED with this chapter.

You stare at Lafayette. Is what he said actually true? John looks at you with pure admiration in his eyes. "I think Large Baguette is right." He says, his arms open. You laugh as the French man gags at the nickname, and you gladly except an embrace form John.

"So, now that we have no more freezing girls and crazy step-moms, you and I need to catch up on a lot, Y/n." Alex says. "Yeah, we also wanna get to know you more!" Hercules Mulligan adds. You realize that he was unusually quiet, due to his well known reputation to scream loudly everywhere he goes. It must have been a bit to much all at once. For everyone.

"How about we go to the bar and get a drink," you say. "We can catch up there." So, all five of you go down to the bar, joking, laughing, and racing as if nothing had ever happened awhile ago. You arrive at the 'Local Bar 4 Cool Kidz' (Szin called it that in one of her animatics) Alex finds an empty table and Hercules orders five beers.

"So Alex, why did you letters stop coming after mom died?" You asked. "Vait, you mother died? Zat must have been terrible for both of you." Lafayette said. "Yeah, it was." Alex's expression is unreadable. He's looking down, the only sign of sadness he can't hide is in his eyes. You put a comforting hand on his shoulder. It's amazing, how well he can hide his grief. You're the complete opposite. Whenever you think about mother and how you weren't there for her or your brothers, tears always would come to your eyes like they did now.

"After mom died," Alex's voice was soft, but firm. "I stopped sending letters because I had so much going on. I had to move to our Cousin's house, but when I got there, he had committed suicide. I didn't get any letters from you either, so I thought that you were dead. Then a hurricane came. Devastation rained, and I saw my future dripping down the drain, but I somehow managed to survive. I wrote down my experience in a poem, and I guess that the word got around because the people took up a collection just to send me to the main land. I got some education, and I met these weirdos." He lightly chuckles, gesturing to Lafayette chugging his beer, but you didn't laugh.

You couldn't believe that you weren't there for your brother when he went through all of this. You should've been there! Tears pour out of your eyes and you give your brother a hug. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you! I should've been there, but no! I had to go and leave you to deal with this by yourself, like the great sister I am." Alex hugs you back. "Y/N! It's not you fault! How could you have known?" Knowing that your brother wasn't angry for leaving him eased your tears to a stop.

"Do you always cry this much?" Hercules asks. It's a friendly question, not one meant to tease. "No. I guess all these years of keeping my feelings to myself just got to much for me to handle. Not to mention, some of us almost died multiple times." Everyone glances at John. "What?! She's the one who almost died twice, I just saved her both times, so appreciate my courage!" He says innocently.

"Oh, trust me, we all appreciate your bravery, but we don't have a medal to give you. If I had one, I would, but I got nothing special." You say. "What do you mean you got nothing special! You got yourself." He says adoringly. Alex shoots him an evil smile. "Oh okay, I get it. So when's the wedding?" "Alex!" You shove him. "What? He hasn't proposed yet. Oh! Cuz he's to scared to." Your brother laughs with pleasure. 

He always loved to tease, you recall. You look over at John, who is as red as a tomato, and give him an apologetic smile. "We've only known each other for like, a couple of days!" You protest. "And yet he already loves you!" Alex refers back to the hour where you thought that John would die. You groan and bang your head down on the table in surrender. "He got you two zere, didn't he." Lafayette snorts, elbowing, a still very red, John. 

"So Y/N, tell us something about yourself." John says frantically, trying to change the subject. You lift your head off of the table, and give Alex one last glare. "Well I love singing." You say. "Oh, can you sing us something?" Hercules Mulligan asks hopefully. You rub the back of your neck. "Um, I'm really not that good." You mumble. Alex stands up in protest. "She's lying! Y/N is a very talented singer, and she knows it." You sigh. The truth is, you are an amazing singer, you've just never sang in front of anyone besides your family. "Okay, fine. I'll sing something." Remembering the first night you met the boys, you start your singing.

I may not live to see our glory 

But I will gladly join the fight 

And when our children tell our story 

They'll tell the story of tonight 

Raise a glass to freedom 

Something they can never take away 

No matter what they tell you 

Raise a glass to the four of us 

Tomorrow there'll be more of us 

Telling the story of tonight

You finish your song, and see a hint of recognition on all of the men's faces. "Vait, how do you know zat song?" Lafayette asks. "She was there that night." John answers for you. "I saw her leave after we sang that song." He smiles at you. "Your brother is right, you have an amazing voice. It's almost as beautiful as you are, if I do say so myself."

"That was awesome! Tell me, what else is exciting about you." You have been considering something ever since you heard about the Revolution. "Well, I sometimes run little errands for General George Washington," You say. "He's rather fond of me, and treats me sort of like a father figure, and I'm planning to ask him if I can fight as a female soldier in the war."

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