Chapter 5

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My Sweet Isabella!  I yelled in my head.  I just killed Victoria, my Bella was not able to stand. She instantly turned human after I killed Victoria and she fell to the ground. I sat on the ground holding my Bella. The family, my family and the pack gather behind me.

Carlisle rushed to my side pushing me away. I walked to the big black wolf who walked in front of the other pack member.

"Good news, venom did not enter her system but bad news is..... She has lost a lost a lot of blood and may not survive" Carlisle sighed.

"M-my sweet sweet sweet Bella. My love of my life. I will always be by your side. And I will always have a place in my heart for you" I cry

The big black wolf goes behind the trees and shifts into his human.  "Alice, she imprinted on you didn't she? " He asks

"Yes, she is my mate"

"I see, Dr. Cullen what do you think you can do to help out alpha? " San asks


Victoria got to me. I feel week. I feel as if you could ever feel. If I could I would love to hug and kiss my mate. I want to see my pack.

I am cold, I feel as if I could die any minute. I can hear sam.

"Just hurry! Out alpha is dieing and if she dies then we will not have another alpha! So please! Just hurry Carlisle! "  He yells

"Slow your patience boy we have to get her to a place that has blood for her to take in.  She had lost ¾ of her blood supply was lost! "   My soon to be father-in-law said

"Please stop fighting, my sweet Bella, my mate, is hurting. She is dieing as you can see. Just stop fighting. My Isabella" I  know she is frowning. I can hear it in her voice.

"Shut up you leach! If Bella would have not imprinted in you she would still be leading this pack! Now it is your fau--"  It's jack, my friend, my brother, my favorite wolf of the pack.

"It's our fault you Impicil! We told her about Victoria! If we where to know that there was an army of leaches we she would have been awake! We should have followed her! "  Seth yells

"S-s-stop fighting" I managed to say before once again falling asleep

Ok ok so now I see.  I have done quite a few updates in the past couple of days.  The main face is because I live to write. But  I may not update for a while due to having trouble with the plot of the story and I need to come up with what I write. 

Isabella Marie SwanWhere stories live. Discover now