12. Let's make this beautiful! (smut)

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A/N: A heathers au? Yep ;3
Also, because I don't need no angst in my porn, it's just the concept of Yama finally being more popular after starting to get on the 'Heather's' side (I'm thinking Oikawa, Kuroo and Suga for our gurls ;)) tho it doesn't really matter cuz they barely mentioned but whatevs).

P.S. for those who don't know Heathers, it's mostly porn so no worries.
Anyways, Tsukki, the bad kid by all means, gets a visit by a horny Yama who's just trying out his bucket list after getting on Oikawa's nerves.

P.S.S. (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ˵)

The wind that blew in his face felt like shards of glass piercing his skin, Tadashi mused, wincing as another current slapped him in the face. Well, it was to be expected, it was late autumn and it was night outside, so really, he shouldn't really be that surprised.
The freckled boy sighed as he kept on walking, spotting the familiar bus station, a tree going nearby, a shelter of shadow during the dry summers and a roof against the rains during rain season. But this place also had another meaning for Tadashi.
This is where he and Kei usually parted ways when going home.
Even though they had only met a few months ago, when Kei had jumped in his defense in front of some bullies that were starting to get physical and thus had saved Tadashi.

'He thought for me, even when he didn't know me, when I didn't even know his name. A mister-no-name-kid..', echoed through Tadashi's brain as he rested his back against the bark of the big tree.

But now there was no more saving him, Tadashi bitterly chuckled and covered his eyes with his palm, as he slid down against the wood, sitting on the cement if the sidewalk.
"Now you've done it, Tadashi, now you've done it..., He mumbled quietly, exhaling shackily.
He really didn't mean any harm, not when he'd finally been noticed, when people finally looked at him without saying 'oh, look, it's that guy'-
But of course that wouldn't last long.
Oikawa's wasn't... He wasn't bad or anything, but he was... Hard to please. If the company of Sugawara, the prettiest boy in the senior year, and Kuroo, one of the hottest guy in school was anything to go by.

"By Monday, you will regret defying my little advice, Yama-chan~", Tadashi remembered Oikawa whispering I'm his ear, a shiver running down his spine as the boy hugged himself.

'What the heck am I going to do...?', Tadashi whined in his mind, options going through his head. He could try and flee to Tokyo, but first of all, Kuroo originated from Tokyo, so Tadashi wouldn't have that much freedom, second of all, what would he tell his school? 'Oh, sorry, some people were metaphorically threatening to kill me so I moved out'? And lastly, he couldn't just move to another city, his family was here, his friends, Tsukki-

Tadashi's eyes widened and the boy shot up from the cold ground, heart beating wildly inside his chest and a blush spreading from just his cheeks, to his entire face, to down his neck and underneath his uniform.
He... Well before Tsukki started hating him like everyone else would after Monday morning, Tadashi had one more thing he'd like to try...


Kei was just about to fall asleep when he heard a little tap on his window glass. He lived on the first floor, so maybe it was just a bird, but as the tapping got faster and more insistent, until Kei finally got up with a groan, reaching a hand out for the glasses on his bedside table and putting them on.
The blond walked towards the window with an annoyed scowl on his face.
But he had take a double take as he saw a very familiar, freckled face staring at him a little shyly, but those eyes were determined.
"What...", Kei mumbled, as he pinched the bridge of his nose, opening the window sighing as the cool air and Tadashi, also, entered his room.

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