7. Scentless-I (omegaverse comic)

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So because my PC isn't working right now, I can't work on prompts until I get them fixed, so here, have the first part of my shitty TsukkiYama omegaverse comic 😅

About this AU:
So, as stated in the title, the first part of this AU is a comic, the second a fanfiction showing Tsukki and Yama's adult life and all that jazz.
Hoooowever, let's go over the basics of this particular version of omegaverse. So there's still the classic alpha, beta and omega secondary genders, also refered to as dynamics. Alphas are the most dominant ones and tend to either turn out to be truly good athletes or end up at the top of businesses due to their high stress endurance. Their height is in the larger category, the average being 180cm. An alpha's scent is bi-purposed: very either to calm down the other two dynamics or to provoke/challenge the authority of other alphas. Other than that, almost instinctively, their scent, like for all three dynamics, showcase their feelings. Anatomically speaking, they are stronger than betas or omegas and tend to have broader shoulders and backs. For both male and female alphas, their genitalia present something known as a knot. However, a female's member is retractable. Alphas, no matter if male or female, cannot be impregnated. Their strong point is, ironically, both logic and agressiveness.
Betas are a strange bunch, due to the fact that, yes, they possess both anatomy of alphas and of omegas and with recent medical advancements, male betas can also, with the help of doctors, bear children and beta females, if they have a certain procedure, can impregnate. They also have a typical scent, that has one purpose, to 'un-trigger' heats and ruts if they're not too far along. They are built like your average humans. Their strong points are creativity and greater charisma.
Omegas on the other hand, tend to be, physically the smallest, though there are exceptions. Both males and females can bear children, but they are only fertile during heats, unlike betas. Omegas used to be treated as inferior and while some people still think like that, society as a whole appreciates omegas as individuals and not just child-bearers. The scent of an omega can trigger a rut (due to the fact that ruts only happen in the presence of an omega in heat) and to effectively calm down an alpha through smell alone. Omegas have wider hips, slim physiques and tend to be on the 'cute' spectrum. The males have breasts that only expand during pregnancy. Their hearts are regular and happen every three months, so four times a year. When in heat, if the omega doesn't already have a mate, they will either have to ask close friends and family to lock them up for safety or they'll go of, searching for an alpha. A male omega's utherus can be accessed through the anal canal.
The age at which someone presents is six fir girls and eight for boys, though what they'll actually present as can be predicted through looking at every individual's genealogical tree.
There are some cases of 'late bloomers', where there's a big hormonal imbalance, that only stops after puberty, in which case, the individual will present after the age of 14 at least. Only when someone presents do they gain a scent, which is why late bloomers are popularly referred to as 'The Scentless'.

Now, the plot is about Yamaguchi's (unpresented- and Tsukishima's (alpha) relationship as Yamaguchi finally presents. It is also about Yamaguchi's insecurities about not being presented, and as such, putting Tsukishima in an awkward position and Tsukishima's doubts as he learns of his surprisingly possessive side.

This entire comic is my tribute to omegaverse, growing up!AUs and TsukkiYama~!

Now, have fun reading!

Now, have fun reading!

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