"I'm so happy you're safe," Jules cried into her shoulder, "We've missed you. I'm so sorry we haven't been to see you sooner," Jules pulled back and cradled her face carefully, running the pads of her thumb over her cheeks when she heard Marc's bare feet across the room and looked up to see him carefully kneeling down next to them, his eyes staring at Safia in disbelief.

"Hello Safia," Marc's whispered carefully as his brow drew together, unable to believe that she was stood before him and he knew that everything had been worth it.

"Hello," Safia whispered back quietly, her eyes hovering over the bandage on his neck, before she launched herself into his arms and pressed her cheek against his chest. Marc let out a small sob as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, squeezing his eyes shut against the tears that threatened to spill over.

Crossing her arms over her chest Jasmine turned and smiled obnoxiously at Mrs Neetham as she witnessed the scene and knew that even she could not deny this couple's love for Safia. And neither could Carlos and Twitch as they stood up in the corner of the room and Jasmine turned around to look at them when she realised that they weren't the only ones in the room. Her eyes hovered over Carlos for a second before she looked to the man by his side and smiled. His athletic frame was hunched over as he struggled on the crutches but his red hair was as appealing as ever.

"I think we should give them some privacy," Carlos said as he stepped between her and Mrs Neetham and stood outside where he waited for Twitch who was following close behind. Jasmine caught his gaze when looked up as he passed her and her breath caught in her throat when he smiled at her, his walk slowing as they looked at each other for a moment when he pressed down on his crutch but it suddenly slipped out from underneath him, pitching him forward. Reacting Jasmine quickly stepped forward and caught him, her arms holding him around the waist as his hand came to rest on her shoulder and for a split moment their lips were less than an inch apart. Jasmine could feel his breath on her face when he nervously righted himself and thanked her for catching him.

"No problem," Jasmine whispered, not quite sure what had happened there, "Least I could do." Twitch gave her a tight lipped smile before he lowered his head and ducked outside with Carlos leaving her stood there feeling confused.

In the hallway Carlos waited until they were a few feet from the door before he turned and started on Twitch to distract him from what was happening inside the room and how it was going to change everything, "What did you do that for?"

"Do what?" Twitch frowned at him as he focused on trying not to fall over again and probably rip his stitches out, "I didn't do anything."

"Exactly!" Carlos exclaimed, "Jasmine was clearly into you."

"Don't be stupid. She's the prime minister's niece," Twitch scoffed, "She's probably got some hot shot lawyer or MP for a boyfriend, why the hell would she be interested in me?"

"Maybe because you helped to save her life?" Carlos suggested, "I've found things like that tend to sway a woman."

Twitch glared at his friend and the way his eyes seemed to glaze over with warm memories. Letting the crutch rest against his body he held up his hand and snapped his fingers in front of his face, "Hey, earth to Ramirez?" Carlos rolled his eyes and swatted Twitch's hand away.

"All I'm saying is that you should go for it," Carlos shrugged, "Something tells me that our little quarto is going to get smaller." He looked over his shoulder back at the room.

Twitch frowned, "You don't think Jules and Marc would leave, do you?" He looked back at the room in panic.

Carlos shrugged, "She's been through a lot. I would understand if she wanted to. Anyway, go back and ask for Jasmine's number."

12 Minutes (#2 in Military series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang