Chapter 7

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The next day, I realized I hadn't been flashed yet. I decided to call Zayn about the battle in the precious time I still had. Zayn had always been wise.

"Hello?" Zayn uttered over the phone.

"Uh hey Zayn," I muttered. "Could you please come over? I need your help."

"Sure," he accepted.

*Zayn POV*-

I was glad that Charlotte had chosen me to come for help. Of course, I knew Louis was deeply in love with her. At the club, when we first met her, I do admit I found her attractive- but I'm perfectly happy being friends with her if that is what she wants. She was a special person, and I'm lucky to have met her in the first place.

*Charlotte POV*-

"Hi Zayn!" I cheered. He smiled. I always loved his smile.

"Hey," he greeted.

"I haven't been flashed to the location yet- so I was wondering, with the time I have, I could ask for your advice?" I said hopefully. Zayn smirked.

"Ha sure," he said.

"There is a massive chance that I will lose my life from this battle," I said in a small voice. "But just in case, could I have some tips on how I could possibly......defeat the dragon?"

Zayn sighed and gave a shy smile. His teeth were beautiful, he should smile more.

"All I can tell you is- when it's your last chance, when time is running out quickly, but you still have enough time to have hope- you just might find your power hidden in your hope," he explained. I liked to think of Zayn as a philosopher. I thought deeply about his words.

"Thank you, Zayn," I appreciated his deep words.

"No problem, love," he said.


"Remember, when that moment comes and you're being flashed to the location, you should be brave and appreciate the wonderful people that reached out to your heart," Roxy advised over the phone. I sighed.

"I will. And I will never forget you all. You were all so spe-"

I was cut off by a whirling wind coming into my living room. It surrounded me and I panicked. I tasted a hint of dust and when I opened my eyes, I was in an empty space in the middle of the woods.

*Roxy POV*-

"Hello?" I called out for Charlotte on the phone. "Helloooooooo?"

Huh. That was weird. She didn't hang up, but she wasn't there. I heard a gust of wind before she left.......oh no.

Before I could control my thoughts, a huge whirlwind came over me. I was being spun around as the wind gradually disappeared. I was in the middle of the hollow woods. Charlotte, Harry, Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Liam were all standing there.

*Charlotte POV*-

I was completely confused. Why was Roxy here? Why were Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Niall here too? Countless questions ran through my head. I was completely puzzled, until Zwenskitzee flashed in front of me from thin air. My thoughts were now gathering......

Now was the moment.

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