Chapter 3

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"You KISSED him?!?" Roxy yelled over the phone.

"Yep," I answered. Even I still couldn't believe it.

"Dayum girl. Go get 'em," she said. Suddenly I got a text. It was from Louis:

~"meet me, nialler, li, and haz at our apartment. bring your friend :)"~

"Um Roxy. I just got a text from Lou. It seems like he and the others want to meet us at their apartment," I said.

"Okay. Be at the sidewalk in five minutes," she said, and then hung up.

I went out the door and onto the sidewalk. I walked with Roxy, hand in hand, to the boys' apartment. I rang the doorbell. Liam appeared at the door in Toy Story pajamas.

"Hey! You must be Charlotte and Roxy. C'mon in," he greeted warmly. We both walked into a lounge room to see the boys, except for Zayn, a t a table all huddled up together. Harry glued his eyes on Roxy as she walked in. On the table, there were various beauty tools and products.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked, seeing he was the only one not here.

"He's in his room. Sleeping. Already. You know how lazy he could be. Ugh," Harry said.

"So, why are we here?" Roxy asked.

"We just thought you could help us.....pull a prank on Zayn," Louis said with a mischievous smile.

"He always takes way too long in the bathroom admiring himself in the mirror," Niall said. "So he's gonna be in for a surprise tomorrow morning."

"What exactly do you guys have in mind....?" I asked, hoping this prank doesn't cause a riot.

"Oh you'll see," Harry answered.

I watched as Louis put white powder in Zayn's hairdryer. Harry had replaced Zayn's hairspray with temporary spray-on turquoise hair dye. Liam and Niall had cut the sleeves off of Zayn's varsity jacket. My job was to put salt on his toothbrush and Roxy's job was to put shaving cream in his shoes. We all filled the bathroom cupboard with ping pong balls. We had also filled his shampoo with mayonnaise. We were finally done, and we all brushed our hands.

"Let's stay up all night!" Louis exclaimed out of nowhere. "It'll be just like a sleepover! don't actually.....sleep. It'll be an all-nighter over!" I laughed as he clapped his hands like a little kid. The boys from One Direction all had the age of a young man, but the personality of a child. And I loved it. As we enjoyed our 'all-nighter over', we all learned more about each other. Harry was a cheeky boy-he was flirty, but in a way where you just had to love it. Niall was sensitive, but very outgoing. Liam was like a golden retriever- he was kind and loyal. I giggled as Harry and Louis did their secret handshake. I could tell they were THE bromance out of the group. I suddenly remembered- I had to tell them I was a Chevolyn. I didn't know how I was going to break it to them, but I had to tell them eventually. I had to have Zayn with the group as well. We waited for morning to come to examine the prank. Tomorrow was going to be an eventful day....

Help Me Fly (One Direction) {[FINISHED]}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant