August 28

83 17 5

This morning I awoke, bleary-eyed, unsure if I actually slept. I didn't mean to sleep, anyway. Yesterday Connor got into trouble, which I take responsibility for, because who wouldn't have a short temper living on so little sleep? This past week I've been bringing him coffee and helping him out when we're assigned to chores together, but with Callie making kissy sounds every time I look in his direction, I've mostly been trying not to belt Callie in the face and in the process, avoiding Connor, even though I want to sit down next to him and let him take a nap while I tell him all about the stuff I found online.

I wish I hadn't used up my internet time searching just for Lane, obviously the more dangerous one here is Malakhi. Only I don't know Malakhi's last name, and from the short conversation I remember between Malakhi and Lane that night in the cemetery, I get the feeling that Lane's the irresponsible one. The one who would end up getting his portrait painted during the Renaissance and leaving evidence that he's immortal, and all the other vampires are like, Oh, Lane, you beautiful idiot.

Not much I can do about that now.

Connor flipped out at Ben last night, after Ben told him for the third time that if Connor was going to fall asleep on the couch he could have early bedtime. "Can't you just let me fucking sleep when I'm sleeping?" Connor yelled, jumping up and storming up the stairs.

"That's minus two points for language," Ben called after him.

"What the fuck!" Connor called back.

I sat on the couch with my book, listening. Callie actually turned down the TV's volume so she could listen with a gleeful grin, while Brandon and Ryan looked uncomfortable. (Zach, Sophie, and Christina were all in the self-abuse group and Jenny had a special appointment with Dr. D).

"You're going to have a meeting with Dr. Daniels tomorrow about your meds," Ben said.

"I don't need any more fucking meds!"

"Clearly that's not the case. You haven't been sleeping at night. Matthew says you've been aggressive–"

"Fuck that fucking bloodbag!"

Callie cackled at that one. My own eyebrows shot up. Keep your cool, Connor, I tried to tell him telepathically. Don't say it. Don't say the word vampire.

Ben's response was too quiet to hear. I could tell Ben was using his "calm voice" which is probably what led to the hole in the wall upstairs, made by Connor's fist. Mari hurried upstairs, but she wasn't up there for very long.

"That's, like, a week of house restriction," Ryan drawled in that drugged-up way he got after his eight o'clock meds.

"Yeah," agreed Brandon, similarly medicated.

I heard Ben fill Malakhi in on Connor's behavior during the shift change at ten, after we were all supposed to be fast asleep in our beds. The second Ben's feet creaked down the stairs, I heard Connor growling, and Malakhi say to him, "Let's not have any trouble tonight, hm?"

That voice... makes my skin crawl.

Anyway, I started worrying that Malakhi would do something to Connor, and I resolved to stay awake all night. It's hard to do when you're tired and it's dark and quiet and you have nothing to do but think.

Anyway, during breakfast I was awake enough for Natalie's announcement that I had a visit today. On the whiteboard it said,

"Amy V.: visit w/ Mom etc."

Connor's still asleep; his appointment with Dr. D isn't until after my visit. So now I'm just waiting and wondering what – or who – that "etc." stands for.

Past Midnight (Seven Minutes to Midnight #2)Where stories live. Discover now