August 23 (later)

69 13 5

I only have twenty minutes before lights out so I have to make this quick.

I was reading my book just now and I came to this page and there was this scrap of paper with scrolling cursive letters on it:

Be mine, and you will come to no harm.

Now, I could just pretend that the past six months never happened and tell myself, "Wow, this book must be old! This is a scrap from some antique love letter!"

But let's cut the crap.

Someone put this note in my book. Someone who knows I'm in danger.

Connor is the only one who I knew was in the right place to do this. He was beside me while I was asleep and reading. I mean, sure, Callie could have done it at some point when I wasn't looking.

But that handwriting...

Malakhi could have put this here. He's been here at night, and might have caught me sleeping for a couple minutes while Connor was also sleeping... Seems like a lot of coincidences though.

Be mine...



Author's Note: The above song was from Buffy and I just love it.  It's kind of an outlier on the Vampire Mix I made while writing Seven Minutes to Midnight.  If you'd like to listen, check it out:

Past Midnight (Seven Minutes to Midnight #2)Where stories live. Discover now