Chapter 7-Captured and Train

Start from the beginning

I make a few trips to drop off all the things for the pack and then hire an electrition, plumber, pool dude, and A.C guy. After that I head to the electronic store. I buy T.V.'s for everyone. I also buy a PS3, Xbox 360, a wii, and a game cube. Then I buy a whole bunch of games for each for every one.

Then I head to a play where you can buy gym supplies. I buy many things and I dont even know what they are! Who knew that there was that many different work out machines cause I sure didn't. I finally head home for the last time and help set up the whole house.

After all night of setting the house up I forgot about Jayden. Instead of sleeping I try to communicate with him.



:Yea its me:

:Hey are you ok? Hows the pack? Where are they staying? Whats going on?:

:Calm down mister. I would have contacted you sonner but I forgot cause I was helping the pack. I knew where I was taking them cause it used to be my old pack house but not anymore ever since we moved. Im fine just tired cause when we got here I was out all dy hireing people to fix stuff and runnignaround buying a whole bunch of stuff for the new pack house:

:Thats great im glad your doing great. You are definelty suppose to be an Alpha female. Take care of them please:

:What do you mean? Your not comeing back? I dont think so mister I will find you and I will kill everysingle baster that dares to touch me or you.:

:No don't you will get hurt or even killed. They have silver and wolf's bane here. They are all very trained to.:

:I don't care I will save you. But not know I have to focus and train more the I ever had. I will be there in a week. A week is the earliest the latest would be 2 weeks. I will talk to you later bye:


Once that conversation was over I changed into a black sports bra and booty shorts. I went out side and thought before I started training.  I think of the things I learned like that your wolf is only as strong as your human form. So it would be best to train in human form first before I start training in wolf form. 

He get's here and hour later. I can smell he is a werewolf to. That's good I think. He walks up  to me and says "Hi my name is Derek. I will be training you. I will work you extra hard and make your training like hell. You will be the best fighter in  your pack like your suppose to be Alpha"

I smile and say "Thank you I really need this, now lets get started." Now when he  said he was going to make training Hell he really meant it. For the past week days I have ran at leats 10 to 15 miles per day. I have to run 3 miles then he taught me how to use a gun, sowrd and knife. 

After that I run another 5 miles. Then I work on hand to hand combat. After that he tought me martial arts, kung fu, ty won do, and karati. Then I run another 7 miles. Then we go over everything he taught me. It was serious hell, I mean the first few days I didn't wnat to move but I had to and do thats tuff all over agian.

I have talked to Jayden all week to. At first he was worried cause he thought I was hurt but then told him I was training  and I was just really sore. He got over it after a while. He's really week but he says that if I am going to come to train more. He tried talking me out of it but that didn't happen.

I wake up the next morning and get dressed ofr training. I go outside and find that no one is there. I look around but see or hear noone. I don't sense anyone near either. I look around confused. Then I get attacked to the ground by this huge grey wolf. As I was tackled to the ground I shifted into my wolf.

I could smell that it was Derek that attacked me so I mind linked him saying,

:What the hell Derek!!:

That really hurt so I was mad at him.

:Well if those wolves are well trained they know how to walk around with out being sensed which is what I did:

:Are we trainig in wolf form now?" I ask

:Yes we are you will learn many things that you have naver heard of. And again training will be like hell but even harder since were in wolf form:

:Fun I can't wait: I say as I roll my eyes

Another week passes by and I can now say I am ready to take those rouges on. My size as a wolf has gotten even bigger. I am the size of a male Alpha and thats pretty big for a female. I learned how to not let any emotion show. I also learned how to not let anger take control of me.

I learned how to fight better and more correctly and I know many different fighting stances. I can run extermely fast and blend in with the forest even if I am white. I know how to not be sensed and I am really strong. I have never felt so powerful and strong and ready to take on rouges in my entire life before.

"Your ready, now go save your mate and kill those rouges" 

I smile I didn't know you knew but thank you for coming it was very helpful and I am very grateful for all your help" "No problem now get going before its to late" I nod and hug him run and shift into my wolf.

Now come and get me world cause I am ready to face you!


I liked this chapter a lot and I hope you do to! Love you guys! Bye!! For the next chapter I want 6 votes and 2 comments


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Gauge <3 

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