a day with charles

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3 months later
anastasia's pov
the situation between me and joey is kind of weird to me because i don't know if it's right to be hanging out with Charles but then at the same time he's probably hanging out with another female .
Me and Charles were on his couch and we talked about how cool it was how we met eachother in school and now we're all too famous to go to school now. We left school but we're home schooled so it's not like we dropped out. He told me what he had thought of me when he saw me and it was really sweet , I'm just overwhelmed with everything because it just happened something I didn't except.
Charles went to go get food so I checked snapchat I was going through peoples story's and saw joeys I clicked on it , just like I thought he's hanging out with Loren , I like Loren as a person she's gorgeous and kind it's just that Joey should've told her about us instead of - ARGAHAH it's just so useless because I'm hanging out with Charles . Alright I guess it's not wrong to hang out with other people . Charles got home and I took a picture with him , and posted it on Snapchat. Not even 2 minutes and JOEY HAD ALREADY SEEN MY STORY . And I had received a message by Joey I opened it and said
joey : wtf
me : ? what
joey : why are you with him
me : he's my friend 😂
joey : yeah im sure he's your "friend"
me : joseph i don't understand why i can't hang out with charles if you've been hanging out with loren
joey : i thought you loved me anastasia
me : and i do im just confused can i not see other people were on a "break" just like you had said ?
joey : yeah we are but im just jealous ok
me : and im jealous because you're hanging out with loren did you even tell her about us
joey : no
me : oh alright then
joey : listen sorry but i didn't want to tell her because it was already sad that i had to go through all that with you and to retell that story i wouldn't made me feel worse
me : you're just using excuses you think that i don't have feelings joseph , i felt the same way but atleast charles knows his limits
joey : im sure he does
me : okay then if you're gonna be immature about all this then bye joseph this isn't a break it's a breakup .
joey : so we're over just like that
me : i mean yeah
joey : can we talk about this please it's been 3 months please let's meet up
me : where
joey : Cheesecake Factory ?
me : k
joey : bye
After all that mess I told Charles everything and he's ok my side because clearly I'm right . It's just so frustrating going through this bullshit .

joeys pov
Well me and Anastasia just finished a argument and now I'm getting dressed to go and talk to her at the Cheesecake Factory, touché? I don't know but it came up outta nowhere. I'm just stressing because I don't know what I want and what I want to do about this situation. It's nerve wracking. I've been hanging out with loren because she's just there and I need someone to talk to not because I like her i don't really know now my feelings are whirling everywhere now . I'm just confused

anastasia's pov
I started to get ready for this "meet up" and I'm fine I'm gonna say what I need to say because I'm just tired of being led on by someone I love .

Thanks for reading 💜

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