Chapter 2: Jack of Blades

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So I grabbed my satchel and exited my house with Scarlet.

So we began our long trek to Oakville and I said "did you really train in the Guild of Heroes?

"Yes. Why? Do you want to be a hero like me?" She slightly chuckled under her breath.

"It's my dream!"

"It's also every other kids dream. But you have a chance."

"I really have a chance!" I said in excitement.

"Well, our family has a strong bloodline meant for heroes. I had it, your cousin Lance has it, and I'm pretty sure you have it too."

"What about Theresa? Does she have the blood of a hero?"

"No. But she is different than everybody else."


"I'm not sure."


We had just passed the concrete stairway that leads to Bowerstone North and were close to exiting Bowerstone for a while. Then I heard running from the distance. All of the sudden, a dark figure was coming closer and closer to me.

Then the figure said "Lyllianna, wait!"

I slightly recognized the voice and could now make out what the dark shape was. It was Phillip! When he finally got to me, he was completely out of breath.

Then he said "Lyllianna, I overheard Emma, Whitney, and Quinn talking about you leaving while we were watching the Fist Fighters Gang pound each other. Is it true?"

"I'm afraid so" I said strongly with tears rolling down my face knowing I would probably never see him again.

"Then I must give you this."

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a tiny, beautiful orange stone and said "my mum said its an ancient relic that belongs in a holder of gold and being your friend means your always worth more then gold to me. I love you Lyllianna. You are perfect and I hope you always remember me."

"How could I forget you? You are my love! My best friend, my rock & roll, my all! I will see you again, even if it kills me. Goodbye Phillip..."

"Goodbye Lyllianna."

Then he ran off into the night. So I looked at the stone and thought of what Phillip told me. About how it belongs in a holder of gold.

"Wait, I know what Phillip meant about the stone!"

So I pulled out the stone and took off my locket. There was an empty slot in the middle the same size as the stone.

Then I popped the stone in the locket and said "It worked!"

Then I put it back on and we began walking again. Then we saw a guard standing at the gate. It was Robert, he is my dads best friend. Then he saw me as I was passing the Cullis Gate and he said "Lylli? Is that you? Why are you out here so late?"

"She is with me!" Scarlet said firmly.

"Where are you two going?"

"Oakville, for awhile. I need you to take care of my mum for me. Daddy isn't home yet."

"Ok. See you later Lylli."


Then we left Bowerstone and entered Lookout Point. Then when we got to the cross roads, my locket started vibrating and the orange stone turned bloody red.

Then Scarlet said "why aren't you walking anymore Lyllianna? We have to go! If we don't well be..."

She saw my locket. Red as blood and vibrating continuously.

Then she said "were in a lot of trouble now! We have to run to the Picnic Area, now!"

So we began running and got to the Picnic Area. When we got there, Scarlet took me to the far left table and pulled out two spades from the bottom of the table.

Then she said "dig!"

Then we began digging and I hit something and said "we struck gold!"

Then we pulled out the locked chest from the ground. Then she unlocked the chest and opened it. The chest contained REAL WEAPONS! First she armed herself with her usual weapons and attire. Then, she handed me an iron sword and an oak bow.

Then she said "let's make you a hero!"

So we left the Picnic Area and entered Greatwood.

Then I said "can you tell me where we will have to go to get to Oakville?"

"Of course. We will go from here to Greatwood Lake, then Greatwood Gorge, then Greatwood Cullis Gate, then Greatwood Caves, then Darkwood, then Darkwood Swamp, then a local Traders Camp, then Darkwood Lake, then Darkwood Weir, Barrow Fields, and there's Oakville."

"That's a lot of traveling!"

"Yes it is"

Then my locket began vibrating more then ever and I could tell Scarlet knew what that meant.

Then she said "Lyllianna, take this and hide!"

She gave me a backpack and with it, I hid. Then I heard a loud bloody noise coming from above. A man in red came from the trees and landed on the ground. I was hiding in one of the trees so I could watch.

Then Scarlet said "Jack of Blades! What do you want."

"The stone and the golden locket. Where is it? I know you have it! If you gave it to someone else, I will find s/he and will kill them."

"It's gone Jack. Now what do you really want?"

"The sword, and I need you to help me claim it."


"It wasn't a choice!"

Then Jack used his magic to take him and Scarlet out of the woods and back into the skies. Then from above, he used a fire spell and set the trees on fire and blocked the path back to Lookout Point. Then I jumped out of the tree and began running toward Greatwood Lake. The entire forest was filled with smoke. I couldn't see my own hand. Then a flaming log fell on me and knocked me out.

Then I woke up and there was a bandit by me and he said "so, how are we going to kill the children?"

Then I thought "oh my God, I'm in a bandit prison!" I stood up and looked around the area. There was another kid across from me. A girl ,she looked 9, covered in ash and burns. I could tell she wasn't an average girl either. She had long, messy, really dark red hair and no freckles. She looked like she hadn't eaten in days. She had an average tan and was asleep. I had to get us out of here! In between me and the other girl was a chest (with our stuff in it). So I remembered my hair clips. I only had two left but I also had one in my hair to let my braid last longer but my hair is ruined any ways.

Then I threw a rock at the girl by reaching between the poles and said "hey, red head!"

She awoke, stood up and said "who in the hell are you? You don't throw rocks at people!"

"I'm getting us out of here idiot!"

"My name is Kylie, not idiot."

"I'm Lyllianna."

So I reached my hand threw the poles and picked the lock with my hair clip.



So I rushed over to Kylie's prison cell and unlocked it.


Then Kylie said "give me that clip so I can get my stuff."

So I gave her my hair clip and she opened the chest. She gave me my satchel and my weaponry first. Then she pulled out a steel great axe and oak crossbow. How did she pick that up?

Then I said "now let's get out of h.... My locket! It was gone! Then I said "change of plans. I'm gonna beat those as***!

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