Chapter 19: Peter or Phillippe

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I woke up in an Oakvale tavern bed to see Kylie standing over me.

"Hi Lylli. It's nice to see your awake again." She said pulling her dark red hair back.

"How long have I been out?" I asked as the mark's pain swelled.

"A few hours. Peter is here too. He told me what went down in the Guild Woods."

"Oh no. So what now? Are you going to torment me about it now?" I said pulling the pillow over my bloodshot eyes.

"No. Actually, I bear good news. He just broke up with Christina, for you! He 

"I can't be with him, not after what happened at the Guild." I said standing up and putting on my armor.

We walked out of the tavern and saw Phillippe standing outside.

"Lyllianna!" He yelled running towards me. "I was so worried."

"I'm okay. How are you and Darla?" I said as we began walking and Kylie stayed behind.

"Well actually, we split up. I found out she was cheating on me with some trader in Barrow Fields." He said and began to look down.

"I'm so sorry." I said and hugged him "Anyone would be so lucky to have you."

We released from the hug; then he grabbed my hand and said "Lyllianna, I know this might sound a bit strange, but you've always been there for me; or at least when you could be. So what I'm trying to say is that I like yo-"

"Lylli!" Peter yelled from behind, "I'm so sorry about what happened back in Oakvale. The truth is, ever since that moment, I couldn't stop thinking about you. Lyllianna, I like you, a lot."

"I like you too, Lylli." Phillippe said still holding my hand.

I pulled away and said "I can't do this."

I ran back to the tavern and stopped when I got to the docks.

The next thing I knew, Kylie said "Hey Lylli, what's wrong?"

I turned around with tears falling down my face and said "Phillippe and Peter like me, but I care for them both. It broke my heart when I found out Phillippe was with Darla. So I confessed to Peter and he shattered it. Now that I know that they both like me, I just can't stand this. I don't know what to do."

"You have to chose. I have a preference, but it's not because I want it. It's who I think you should be with."

"I- I know who I'm going to chose. The decision is so.. so obvious! But first, who is your preference?"

"Neither of them. They both broke your heart and you shouldn't deal with it. I'll be in the tavern when you decide." Kylie said walking off.

I began running towards where I had left them. They were standing there and I said "Look, I can't choose both of you, but one of you is the one I chose. I choose you.. Phillippe." I said as I ran into his arms.

"Goodbye Lylli." Peter said as he walked off.

"Now that I know you chose me, I don't want another delay. I know how it feels to be separated from you and it's awful. What I'm trying to say is... Lyllianna Rose White, will you marry me?" He said sitting on one knee.

Tears swelled in my eyes and I said "Yes! Yes, a hundred times yes!"

Then we hugged and the next thing I knew I heard this: Hello Lyllianna. You have failed your mission on delivering the Stone of Destruction to Theresa. You will be asked to do something at a later time. Farewell...

A/N: Hey guys! So how do you like this chapter? Can you believe that Lyllianna chose Phillippe over Peter? Who did you ship? What do you think will happen next? Read to find out!  Comment your thoughts, vote for this chapter, personal message me for advice, questions, etc., and follow me to help get my books out there and for alerts. Thanks!

Fable: Shadows Among Us (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें