Chapter 16: A Forbidden Love

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(Lyllianna's POV)

I woke up in a barn. I was in the ground and I could hear chickens clucking from all sorts of directions.

Then I sat up and someone across from me said "Rise and shine Lylli! I got to say, when I found you in Oakvale passed out on the street, I thought you were a low life drunk. So I turned you over, and it was you! How have you been, old friend?" It was Peter. He looked different then when I last saw him. His hair was cut into a normal cut and he had a bare chin.

He looks... Cute?! No Lylli, don't think like that. You just found Phillip, but he has a fiancé.. What do I do? Do I like him or Peter? I just don't know.. Do I?

I stood up and hugged him saying "Peter! Where have you been recently?"

"I spent some time in Knothole Glade in Witchwood to catch up with Whitney and Ben. Whitney told me that she is pregnant with their first child."

"Wow! I guess it was bound to happen, right?" We were walking down the small hill and sat down by the docks of Bowerstone Quay. "Where did you go after graduation? And why were you in Oakvale?"

"I needed to clear my head a bit. So I went down to Orchard Farms for about a week and then I took a quest card from the Guildmaster and traveled up to Hook Coast. So when I finished up there, I stayed a couple of extra months to settle down and came to Oakvale to get a good ole Oakvale Brew before I went back to the Guild. That's when I found you."

"Wow! That's a lot! How was Hook Coast?" I bit my lip hoping I wouldn't blush.

I hope he didn't meet somebody.. I feel like that would be inevitable though...

"Good if you like snow, but I prefer Albion's weather here more because-" We were interrupted my Guild Seal going off.

"Lyllianna, come to the Guild quickly! I'm with the Guildmaster. Just hurry, it's important!" Kylie's voice rang.

A few seconds later, she gave Peter the same message.

"What do you think she is talking about?" I asked Peter hoping he had some sort of solution.

"I don't know. Whatever it is though, it can't be good. Let's use our Guild Seals as a Cullis Gate to get to the Guild." He said as he teleported away. So I pulled out my Cullis Gate and went to the Guild.

I appeared in the bright blue light of the Cullis Gate and entered the map room where I saw the Guildmaster, Kylie, and Peter.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked hugging Kylie and then resuming a normal stance by the map table.

"Something has.. Happened. It involves you mostly, Lylli."

"She is telling the truth, Lyllianna. A dark magic unknown to anything I have seen before has just surfaced." The Guildmaster for the first time, seemed nervous, scared almost.

"So how does Lylli have anything to do with it? We were just at Bowerstone Quay together."

"Is that how you ran into each other? In Bowerstone?" Kylie said without a quiver of worry in her voice. She seemed so determined to find out what is going on.

"No." Peter said as his cheeks turned red. "I found her passed out in the street in Oakvale."

"I see. So Lyllianna, why were you passed out in Oakvale? What were you doing there?" The Guildmaster knew that whatever I was about to say wasn't going to be good.

"I... Don't remember. All I remember is that I went to Oakvale for a quest that I received from here." I said pointing at the map table. "This woman was hearing noises coming from her father's grave. It turned out I also use to be.. friends with her fiancé. So I began to search the graveyard and the only thing I remember after that is seeing Peter in Bowerstone Quay."

"Are you certain that that is all you remember?" The Guildmaster said in an almost threatening tone.

I don't think anyone has seen him so tense before, at least not anyone still alive.

"I'm 100% sure."

"So what about you, brother? Did you see Lylli doing anything strange?"

Peter stood straight up and said "I already told you, I just found her passed out on the street in front of a house on the street."

"You didn't tell me that you found me in front of a house, Peter. You said that you found me on the street. Was is by the graveyard enterance?" I was scared now.

If he found me in front of Phillip's house, it won't sound good.

"Yeah, how did you know?" He asked as the Guildmaster and Kylie began giving me a suspicious glare.

"That was Phillip and Darla's house. But that's not important right now. What is going on?" I asked not knowing what words were about to come out of Kylie's mouth.

"I'm sorry Lylli, but you are the evil we were talking about." She said as a small tear fell down her cheek.

"What? Kylie, this is ridiculous! We've known Lylli for so long! If it wasn't for her, Mia, Ben, and the others would all be dead and so would you!" Peter said so angrily. He all of the sudden just releasef so much hatred at Kylie.

"Peter, it not her that's the evil, it's what happened to her before you found her."

"What is she talking about, Lylli?" Peter asked me with his eyes watering.

"I don't kno-" I was interrupted by a large pain that just struck my stomach. "Agh!" I yelled as I fell to the ground unconcious.

I woke up in a field wearing a white dress perfectly fitted for me. My hair in curls and my shoes spotless.

"May I help you up?" Peter said as he appeared in front of me wearing a formal outfit. He helped me up and said "I've always wanted to do this." He smiled and our lips met.

The moment was perfect... But this love will forever be forbidden and the price will be paid...

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