Chapter 6: Whitney and Michael

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Authors Note: Hey readers! Just so you guys know, the map up above is of the entire world of Albion. Just thought I should tell you! Thanks!

I made it to Darkwood Weir and felt like something bad was about to happen. Then I walked a little further and saw a red fairy talking to a blue fairy.

"So do you have the children that were living in the traders camp?" The blue fairy asked.

"Yes. 3 boys and a little girl. They kept talking about a girl named Kylie saving them, especially the girl."

"Where are they located?"

"Hobbe Cave. I can't wait to see the little girl as a hobbe! Can you?"

"Nope! Then if that Kylie girl comes, she will probably kill them on accident."

"I'm working on a solvent that will make children hobbes after they are eaten by another hobbe."

"That's brilliant!"

"Anyways, when are you going to turn the kids?"

"In about 2 weeks."


Then they flew away and I crouched further in the bush I hid behind.

Then I came out and hurried towards Barrow Fields. I could see the light from where I stood now. So when I tried to exit, an earth troll came out from the ground and began throwing rocks at me. So I began shooting at it with my bow. I only had 7 arrows left in my quiver so I charged at it with my sword. I then ran up to it and jumped in the air. Then I grabbed the troll by the neck and cut its head off. It fell to the ground and disappeared with a small sack of items. There was a jet, a ruby, 2,000 gold, a weird map, and a beautiful necklace. It was Amanda's.

Then I saw a big cut on my arm and I yelled "damn it!"

Then I left the woods and ran into Barrow Fields. When I entered, all that was there was burnt tents and dead bodies. I then saw 2 children weeping by a river on the other side of the camp. So I ran over to the children and stopped.

The little girl turned around and said "who are you? Are you a bandit child?"

"No, my name is Lyllianna White. I'm here looking for a little girl, her name is Theresa."

"My brother and I saw a man flying on a red cloud, he had a girl with piercing blue eyes and brunette hair. It was in pigtails. She looked to be 9 or 10. My name is Whitney. The guy beside me is my brother Michael. He isn't alive anymore. I sat him beside me because I'm about to push him on the river. He deserves an honorable death, not a bandit raid cremation."

"I agree. Are your parents dead?"

"My mom is, my dad I'm not so sure. He was once a trader but left my mom and moved to Bowerstone about 8 years ago, the day I was born."

"Is your dads name Robert?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"He use to travel with my dad and became a guard for Bowerstone South about 2 years ago. He use to tell me stories about coming here and reclaiming his 2 children."



"I don't like it here. My mommy and brother are dead."

She started crying and mumbling names.

"Then come with me. I will bring you home."

"Do you mean it?"


"Okay! Thanks Lylli, I will never forget you. Oh and the girl that was being taken wasn't alone. He had a woman too. I think it was her mom."

"That was Theresa and Scarlet."

"What will we do?"

"We need to head to the Traders Camp in Darkwood."


"I need to talk to my friends Kylie and Amanda. Kylie's four siblings depend on it."

Authors Note: Hey readers! Comment if you like how the story is! Thanks!

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