Chapter 24: The Destruction of Oakvale

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Phillippe woke up to see me sitting on the end of the bed. I was terrified.

"What's wrong, my love?" He asked now sitting beside me.

"I heard it, the shadows. They were in my dreams. It was real, I know it because my mark began to hurt when I woke up an hour ago. They told me what my punishment was, they're going to kill me. They're going to kill me, Phillippe. What am I going to do? It will scare Talia so badly if I tell her!" I said as he put his arm around me.

"Just let me handle it." He kissed me head and resumed, "Now let's wake up the others."

We all were up in a matter of minutes and ate green apples that we had bought yesterday. We stayed inside except for Phillippe who went out to fetch some extra food.

"Lyllianna, we have some news for you!" Dad said smiling along with my mom.

"What is it?" I asked, I haven't seen someone this happy except for when I was proposed to by Phillippe two years ago.

"Your mother and I were talking about my job and..: we're moving here to Oakvale in our own house!" They said happily.

"Thank Avo!" I yelled and I hugged them. "But why here?"

"Well, Barrow Fields is just a walk away and it's a trading post for your father. We are going to do it also to be closer to you. We've missed 12 years of your life and we aren't going to waist anymore time." My mom said back.

Then Talia ran up to me and said "Mommy, where's daddy? He's been gone for so long!"

"That's right, Talia. He has been gone a little longer then normal. Why don't you and Aunt Whitney go check it out!" I said as she smiled and ran off.

The next thing I heard was a scream, it was Talia. Her and Whitney zoomed through the house and Talia was shaking.

"What's wrong Talia?" I asked.

Other screams began to appear and she said "Bandits! There are bandits in the town! They killed someone, mommy. I'm scared. I want daddy too."

"Then it looks like I'm going to have to fight some bandits. What do you say, Kylie? Want to fight like old times?" I asked her and she picked up her sword.

"Yeah, I'll go with you." Peter said grabbing his weapons.

"Okay, everyone else needs to hide. This is really dangerous." I said heading for the door.

"We can fight too! We still have our weapons and we don't leave home without them." Jonathan said grabbing his.

"We need you guys to watch Talia and my parents. We'll be back." I said as the three of us tunneled out and began fighting the bandits.

The next thing I knew, a loud sound began to screech almost. We all stopped fighting and the next thing I knew, Phillippe came from the graveyard.

"Phillippe, what did you just do?" I asked as the others ran out of the house.

Talia ran straight to me and said "Mommy, what's that noise? I'm scared."

A tear hit my jacket and then the tree in the middle of the town which we were all surrounding was hit by a dark, vile creature. It screeched and then it began killing men one by one, but it didn't touch them. They yelled and screamed and then they would hit the ground, dead.

Then it hit Ben and he began to scream as did Whitney.

"I.. Love.. You..." Ben said as he fell to the ground and Whitney followed. Then I saw that their bodies were decayed and looked to of had the life sucked out of them.

"Talia, I won't let them hurt you." I said kissing her head. Then Phillippe ran up and kissed her as well. "We love you, Talia."

"I'm so sorry, Lyllianna. I didn't listen about what the consequences were for the deal. I said I'd do whatever it took." Phillippe said as Mia began to scream.

Mia hit the ground and instantly, her body was aged and brittle.

"What deal?" I yelled as Johnathan hit the ground as well.

"To keep us from aging. I can't lose you." He said trying to hold my hand.

"Lyllianna, we love you." My mom said as she began screaming and my dad followed. "Mom, dad!"

I cried and they hit the ground.

"Wait, did you ask for Talia to be spared?" I said worried.

"N-no. Bloody hell!" He said as Talia began screaming.

"I love you, Talia!" I yelled as I ran up and slashed the demonic creature in the throat.

The next thing I knew, it disappeared and I fell unconscious.

A/N: Hey guys! This is the last chapter of this book and though I'm sad to see it go, I'm even more excited for the sequel! This was my first Wattpad book and since I wrote it and joined in 2013, I've known the plot of this trilogy. I'm super happy about the sequel and I can't wait to start. Thanks!

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