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We walked into the 'Reverie'.

It was the largest palace I had ever seen. It was huge than the ones I saw in the movies. We ambled into the front room, it wasn't a room actually, a wide hall. It was the place for the mansion security. The people around, the security guys, stared at me with surprised faces. I guessed they realized that I was not one of them.

We took a lift which was waiting for us at the end of the hall. The lift was transparent and I could see the inside walls of the pyramid from it.

'Do you like the place?' Vasishtha cooed.

'I am out of answers for that,' I said.

'So you are the one who's troubling us a lot,' Eleonara said.

I felt insulted and rebuked, 'Your people dragged me into this.'

'Is it so?' she said, giggling, 'I am sorry then.'

After we reached a certain height the lift paused, letting us into a corridor that ended with doors. We led ourselves through two gigantic doors, as they opened automatically for us. The other side of those had heaven hidden in it; the front room had couches comfortable enough to sleep and a big flat screen equipped with a play station.

'Wow,' I flattered.

'Your people made some mind flattering discoveries,' she said, looking at the play station.

I smiled in agreement.

It had spirally built stairs to the left, which we took to reach another corridor. The corridor was long with rooms on both sides of it. We stomped into the corridor along with the creator. She was chewing her pizza all the time she's with us. Vasishtha and she were cracking jokes, now and then. But the uncle was silent.

We walked past her kitchen, which was as large as a restaurant's kitchen. She mentioned her bedroom, but it was locked.

She halted in the middle, turned to us, and said, 'These are your rooms. Pick one.'

Three doors were waiting for us. But I stood quiet, letting uncle choose one.

'Stop showing off,' he said, barging into a door.

'Is he still dislikes me?' she asked Vasishtha, with an awkward expression on her face.

He nodded tolerantly.

'Okay, Siddu. It's your turn.'

'What about Vedika?' I retorted.

I might meet people and places that daze me to paramount, but Vedika would be my special surprising person ever and I wouldn't give up on her. I was less interested in choosing rooms, anyway. Also, she called me a name that I like to be called by very few. She was not certainly in the 'few' I preferred.

'Don't worry. She will be fine.' She winked.

'Thanks,' I said, walking to the room that was to her left.

'You are welcome,' she sung and marched back along with Vasishtha.

'It's Siddarth, by the way,' I said.

She turned to me, raised her hands in the air, and left with an ironic look on her face. I could hear both of them giggling. They might found my prioritizing behavior funny.

I stepped into the room and it had only one name to describe it aptly, 'Presidential Suite'. I heard about them in stories and that day I stood feeling how bizarre it would be having a whole room of the size of a house, but all you need was a bed to sleep and a bathroom to use.

In the evening I was summoned by the creator to the downstairs. She had several people working for her. But they just work with care and love. They weren't paid; instead, she treats them so nicely. I thought those people were the families of pregnant women that came to the city.

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