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IT WAS pitch-black, the sky was in a slumber, and the ocean had come to life.

Jungkook was leaning against the railing of the mid deck, hair, as dark as the velvety midnight sky, rippling in the breeze like soft silk.

His throat was dry, his stomach hollow.

Not a single pirate was in his sight. He strongly believed they were having a gathering. And it was clearly because of him.

There was a piercing howl of sea creatures below, turning him numb and almost breathless.

And then the sound of light footsteps approaching him. He didn't bother to turn.

"Hey." The voice was soft. Gentle. Wary. And so very familiar.

Jungkook lifted his eyes.

It was Jimin.

His breath hiccuped.

The prince was surprisingly clean. His skin was free from dirt and sweat, pink hair smelling of avocado and grapefruit.

His eyes were wide and glazed, as he stepped forwards and rather hesitantly, touched Jungkook's chin.

As if to make sure he was real.

His eyes cleared.
"You're alive."

"Barely." Jungkook tried to smile. Really, he did. "Why are you here hyung?"

In other circumstances, Jungkook would be burbling with shock to see the prince here as well. But in this circumstance, he was far too exhausted. Too tired.

He simply didn't care anymore.

"I thought..." Jimin's voice wavered, and to his absolute horror, Jungkook realised he was about to cry. "I thought... the bakery..." He choked on his own words. "I thought"

The prince collapsed to his knees. "Why are you here Jungkook-ah?"

Jungkook gave him a tight smile. "I stabbed a pirate's dick."

Jimin's eyes squeezed shut. He looked sick.

"Of course you did."

"They want me to walk the plank," Jungkook continued calmly. Jimin staggered backwards, looking like he had just been kicked vigorously in the stomach.

"They... they want...."

"To make me the shark's dinner."

Jimin's face was aghast."No," he croaked. His fingers flew to his burning forehead. "I'll... I'll talk to the captain..." He stumbled in his steps, looking dazed. " The captian won't....I won't..."

Jungkook grabbed the prince, squeezing his hands softly. "It's okay, it's okay. I'm not scared anymore, Jiminie hyung."

"No." Jimin was still shaking his head over and over again. "I can... I'll take your place... you don't have to..."

"Hyung," Jungkook said sharply. He stared at the male in front of him, who looked nothing like a royal-blooded prince at the moment. Gone were the fierceness in his eyes, the warmness, the charm. The eyes were hollow and sunken, no joy visible.

"You will not take my place. This is my fate, my destiny."

Jimin continued shaking his head, shoulders shaking.

But then his shoulders dropped.

Jungkook followed his burning gaze.

Three pirates were standing over them, faces grim. They completely ignored Jimin and grabbed Jungkook, chaining his hands and legs.

" Don't you dare touch him!" Jimin yelled almost instinctively , eyes wild and crazed. "Don't you dare!"

The pirates hardly flinched. Instead, one of them shoved the prince backwards. There was a hard thud. And then a chilling crack.

Jungkook gasped. Jimin!

He wanted to turn around. He wanted to make sure his hyung was alright. But to his misfortune, the pirates began striding forwards, towards the upper deck, dragging his limp body along.

A crowd of pirates piled up there. Waiting. Cheering. Anticipating.

Jungkook saw a thin, long chop of jagged wood already set. The moon was beaming its silver light upon it, as if mocking him.

The pirate who held him leaned in towards his ear. He was tall, with purple hair and deep dimples.

His voice sent chills through Jungkook's spine. Chills that had nothing to do with the icy, bone-crushing temperature revolving from the Atlantic ocean.

"It's time."


LMAO five chaps in one whole day AH

Jungkookie is gonna dieeeeeee

Nuhhhhhh :'(

PS there wILL be fluff in this book :" ( I'm not going to let you read this book with no smile on your face. But the start is supposed to be depressing huehuehuehue







Gosh im embarrassing

Stab me 2k18

𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐎𝐔𝐒 | taekookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें