Teacher-Student Bonding

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Akame's pov

I was currently trying to think of where to start training YN. I've never really trained anyone with demonic abilities. From what I was told, it sounds like his powers are driven by his emotions and desires. I think where I need to start is to bond with him. Get to know him a bit.

"YN?" I called getting his attention.

"Yes, Akame-sensei." He said causing me to giggle a bit.

"I thought I told you to just call me Akame." I said smiling.

"Sorry. Force of habit." he apologized rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's fine. Tell me a bit about yourself. I'd like to get to know you." I said smiling.

"Okay. I'm guessing you already know I'm not from the hidden leaf or really this dimension." he said taking a seat across from me.

"Yes I was informed of that." I responded.

"Well where I'm from, I was always the outcast. I didn't really have friends growing up and I lost my parents in a horrible accident when I was younger."

I felt bad for him. No kid should have to grow up without their parents or somebody that cares about them. I was lucky to have Najenda and Night Raid.

"When I first arrived at the hidden leaf, I was skeptical to say the least. However I eventually made friends and met people that actually gave a damn about me. When my demonic powers first appeared during the chunin exams I was afraid that everyone would leave me because of it, but Hinata assured me that wouldn't happen and even if it did she would stay by my side. I'm really glad that I met her."

I decided to tease him a bit since he was smiling the entire time while talking about Hinata.

"Is Hinata your girlfriend?" I asked smiling innocently.

His cheeks immediately turned bright red. I giggled at his reaction. It was so adorable.

"Wh-what?! N-no she isn't! I wish she was though" he said mumbling the last part.

Unfortunately for him, I heard what he said. I smirked at him confusing him.

"You do huh?" I asked causing his eyes to widen.

"Y-you heard that?!" he asked to which I nodded in response.

His cheeks got redder if that was even possible. He started fidgeting and squirming in place. I smiled and giggled at him. He eventually sighed in defeat.

"Yes I do. She's just so perfect. She's kindhearted and caring. She's absolutely beautiful both on the inside and outside. I wanted so bad to confess my feelings to her before I left." he explained with his cheeks still bright red.

"Why didn't you?" I asked curiously.

"I didn't want to confess and then be gone for five years. I couldn't do that to her. Plus if she didn't like me back, it would upset me. I'd get over it sure and I know we'd still be friends, but it would still mess with my training." he explained to which I nodded.

He's very thoughtful and kindhearted. If Hinata does like him back then she's definitely got a keeper. If she doesn't then there's obviously something wrong with her.

"So what caused your powers to awaken." I asked.

I need to know this if I'm going to be able to help him learn to control said powers.

"When Neji insulted Hinata calling her a weakling and saying she would never get stronger. I was already pissed off at that point and that was my breaking point. After that everything turned red. I wasn't aware of what I was doing until Hinata woke me up." he explained.

Okay so I was right. His powers are driven by his emotions and desires. It seems that Hinata plays a big role in both of those things. From what he said, she also seems to be the only one that can snap him out of that trance. I stood up and motioned for him to do so as well.

"Alright. I know how to train you to control your abilities. We'll start training early tomorrow morning so make sure to get plently of sleep." I explained.

He nodded and left the room presumably to his room. I headed to my room as well. As I getting ready to go to sleep I kept thinking about everything he told me today.

"I really hope things turn out good for him. He's such a sweet boy."

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