BONUS! Chapter seven: Feeling lonely.

Start from the beginning

"I'll be fi-!!" I said, being cut off by a choking cough which afterwards makes me more light headed then I already was. After my pride was killed, I was nursed by Cyril for awhile. I don't care anymore, it's nice that he took time off work for me. I'm surprised he's actually spending time with me since he's been avoiding me all this time.

"What did you do yesterday?" I asked, coughing as I spoke.

"I went to visit someone. I told you yesterday what I was doing." He said, he turns away from me, it's as if I've done something wrong.

"...Who was it?" I ask again, this time more persistent and less coughing.

"The same thing you asked last time." He replies swiftly, it's starting to piss me off.

"Then why are you avoiding me?" I ask, coughing a little heavier.

"I'm not avoiding you!" He shouts, then shocked at himself for raising his voice.

"Then why do you keep you distance? I'm starting to feel lonely! It really hurts..." I said, tears fall from my face, as I can no longer hide my pain.

"Hey, hey... Don't cry, I'm sorry." He said, then hugging me.

"No you're not! You are so unfair...!" I said, still crying while trying to push him away.

"...I know. You told me last night." He said, he looks like he's gonna cry himself.

"You heard that?" I said, then I stopped hitting him and pushing him away.

"Yeah... You said it fuckin' hurts, being alone. Don't you know what tomorrow is?" He said, then gives me a look that's between angry and sad.

"...Um... No...?" I mumble, then I hear a disappointed sigh come out from Cyril.

"Why can't you remember your own fucking birthday?!" Shouted Cyril, forcibly dragging me to the calendar and pointing to date tomorrow marked: "Nagi's Birthday! ( ノ^ ,^)ノ" I can't even turn to face Cyril, I'm ashamed, I'm an idiot and I feel like an jerk of thinking he was avoiding me because he didn't love me anymore.

"Sorry." I say, with my face facing the floor.

"...I... Went to my friends house yesterday, to get a present." He said, letting out a light sigh again.

"I thought you cheated on me with a woman since you came home smelling like perfume..." I said, able to look at him, still avoiding his eye contact.

"I had a fricking shower, how did you smell it? And just for the sake of your curiosity, that 'thing' wasn't exactly a woman." He said, I glace over to his eyes and see a look of dread in them. Well that explains why he had a shower.

"What d'you  mean by 'that thing'?" I said, utterly confused.

"He's a Tranny, you know what that is?" He asked, he must think I'm an idiot. Sadly, it's true in a way.

"What a rude way of saying it! But, yeah, and I don't want to tell you how I do either..." I said, my face feels hot. I use to date a Transvestite, that's how I lost my virginity and not the way normal a man should...

"Glad you understand." He said, relieved. Oh no... I'm gonna torment you for making feel alone for so long!

"So... You cheated on me with a man, and a transvestite at that?" I said, wondering if he's really going to fall for this act?

"I was not cheating on you with a Tranny! ...Why, jealous?" He says, completely flustered at first then completely calm, almost smug. You bastard...

"No!" Shout, flustered, that plan crashed, burned and was killed completely.

"Heh, you totally are!" He said, with a childish grin.

Will he ever grow up?! It's as if he's adding salt to a wound, it stings, 'n burns... How did it turn out like this? He take me back to bed and helps me sit up on it, he then sits next to me once again leaning back with his legs crossed.

"I... It really made me think you didn't want to be with me any more." I said, looking him in the eyes, I feel like crying again.

"Idiot... I love you, so why did you think I didn't want to be with you anymore?" He said, a tender smile was on his face as he suddenly hugged me.

"Uwah! ...You're an ass at times... I... I feel dizzy..." I say before passing out.

"Nagi!" Exclaims Cyril, panicking.

It turns out, I made the fever worse and it took another three days to get better. I would of been out of bed in a day if I had just rested. I spent my birthday in bed, the present Cyril got was a bracelet which is difficult to get a hold of, I eventually forgave him for making me feel alone... We're back to normal, and living a happy life! I just hope it stays that way from now on and forever into the future.

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