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Grace Lexington

Four months, it has been four months. We have been in the hell hole for four months.

I am due soon, my stomach is swollen, and round. I found out I am having a girl. Mark knows the child is Devlin's, he is going to use her against him.

I don't want my baby hurt. I swear to the goddess that I will kill anyone who hurts her.

Pain, pain coursed through my body, the contractions became closer together. This is it, the baby is coming.

I gripped the blankets as the doctor told me to push. After several long hours, I heard the cry of my baby.

"Alice" I said. Mark was watching from the door. For once I swear I saw happiness and love in his eyes.

I laid there waiting to hold her, but no one came. No came to give me my baby. I yelled and cried, where is she!

Devlin Collins

Mark walked into the cell room. He was carrying a baby.

"Like her? Her name is Alice, Alice Lexington-Collins." An evil smirk peered on his lips. He raised the child to me. I reached and touchex her head.

My child.

The End:


- Hello! Cassie hear, I wrapped the book up. I know the ending was short. But I really want to begin writing Book Two. The Lost Mate.
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