Chapter 11 - Smile Because It Happened

Start from the beginning

Pinkie squeaks in shock and surprise. I steal a glance at Pinkie through the front mirror and chuckle to myself. She's sunk herself into the black seat so only half of her is viewable, wide eyed and mouth agape.

I shake my head and slow down, knowing that I probably shouldn't be speeding. "D-don't... ever... do that... again..." Pinkie hisses through breaths.

"LOL soz not soz," I reply. Did I just say that?

Pinkie cocks her head at me, a confused expression plastered across her face. "I'm sorry, what?"

I giggle, "Never mind."

Pinkie pops out of the seat and smooshes her face against the glass window. Normally, I would've told her not to because she'd dirty up the window, but now... not so much. I mean, I've actually been starting to realise how OCD I really am and am starting to freak myself out. I mean, a little dirt never hurt anyone, right?

"So where we going?" Pinkie asks after a few minutes of staring at the outside world in wonder and fear. Before I can reply, she jumps up. "Ooh, OOH! Look, over there!" She exclaims, pointing a hoof towards something off in the distance and tapping on the window.

I slow down even more and peer at what she's pointing at. It's a sign saying 'park' beside a semi dirt, semi sandstone path leading to, you guessed it, a park. There's a playground with three slides, swings, all that kid shit, sitting on a small hill. Long, luscious green grass circles it, growing off into the wood not so far away, the trees starting off dotted all over the place but slowly forming into bunches. And, though known to not many people, if you climbed one of those tall, tall trees, you would get a beautiful view of the large, seemingly secret hidden lake.

I smile sadly at the scene, for this was where he and I used to go. Used to. As in up until...

"Please can we go there? Please please pleeeeeeeease?" Pinkie's high pitched voice breaks me from my train of thought once again. I shake my head and look down, the sad smile still wavering on my face. "Oh, puh-LEEEEASE! It looks like so much fun!"

"Pinkie, I-"

"I'll keep out of sight from everyone else, I promise! Just, please can we go?" Pinkie begs.

"I'm not going to get some peace unless I take you, am I?" I chuckle.

Pinkie nods, somehow managing to unbuckle her seatbelt. I sigh in defeat, parking the car in the nearby parking lot. "Aw, yeah!" Pinkie smiles, skipping around in the cramped back seat.

I get out, opening Pinkie's door and slamming it once she jumps out. I click the car keys and the car makes a beeping noise to show that it's locked.

It's late afternoon, so things are slightly orange from the setting sun and the park is deserted. Pinkie skips over to the swing set and inspects it. "I've never seen one of these up close," she half whispers, rubbing a hoof on the blue seat. She looks up at me with hopeful eyes and roll mine playfully.

"Sure," I chuckle, walking over and lifting the pony up onto the seat.

I push her on the swing softly at first. Her eyes widen in fear at first and she wobbles on the plastic before regaining her balance. "Higher! Uh... please," she adds the last part on.

I push harder and she cries in delight, demanding to go higher. Soon, she is swinging as high as the swing will go and laughing hysterically. The wind whips through her hair, the sparkle of true happiness in her eyes.

Suddenly, I hear the noise of children coming up the path, their laughter sending anxiety chills down my spine. Oh, shit. If they see Pinkie, our secret will be blown. With a final, big push with all my might, I yell, "Pinkie, jump!"

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