"Star City was intact in 2016." Rip explains, "This, this is 2046."

"Holy shit." Erin whispers, spinning around and taking it all in.

"Don't move!" Somebody shouts. Erin follows the voice to a man in a hood on top of a car pointing an arrow at them...Oliver.

"Oh thank God, Ollie." She says with relief.

Sara takes a step foward. "I said don't move!" He shouts again.

"It's me, it's Sara." Sara speaks.

Erin grabs Sara's arm lightly as she starts to get an uneasy feeling about this.

"Hey Ollie," Erin takes a step closer to Sara as a protective instinct, "I know it's been a while but don't you remember? Rip Hunter recruited us to become Legends? I know I haven't seen you since Nyssa and the League but-" The man in the hood interrupts her, "I've never heard of any Legends." He says, then fires an explosive arrow behind the group.

Everybody takes cover behind something.

Erin looses Sara in the commotion and ends up hiding behind a wooden crate by herself.

An arrow goes by Erins head, missing her by only a foot. A few moments later she hears an explosion from her left.

"Who the hell is this guy?" She hears someone yell.

"Definatly not Oliver Queen that's for sure." Erin yells back in the direction of the voice.

"Sure dresses like him!" A voice yells back, Snart.

"Shoots arrows like him!" Jax exclaims.

Erin still hasn't heard anything from Sara, making her worried but she shakes it off

"Well i'm not sticking around long enough to get sish kababed by this guy." Jax adds and few moments later.

"Kids right, lets stay behind and kill this bastard." Somebody else yells, most likely Mick.

"I think he meant run and try not to die." Erin yells to the pyromaniac.

"Works for me." Mick yells back.

Another explosion goes off and the team begins to run back to the ship, Erin gets up and follows them.

Another explosion goes off to her right but she manages to avoid the debris and make it onto the ship.

Erin slides down against a crate and tries to catch her breath. She sighs in relief when she sees everybody, Sara included, in the room and unharmed.

While she relaxes and catches her breath, everything begins to set in.

Her home was destroyed after she was promised it would be safe. Her friends are most likely dead, her sister...her only family, is most likely dead. The one person she has valued the most all her life is gone because she wasn't there to protect her.

Rage fills up inside her. Erin stands up and walks angrily over to Rip.

She grabs the collar of his jacket and slams him against the wall. "What the hell Rip. You said the future was safe." She yells as her eyes turn a dangerous red.

She can feel the whole group behind her alert and watching them.

"As i've mentioned before, the future is in flux, always changing." Rip states while trying to remain calm.

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