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A/N I suggest you all go read ladyawesome45321 book Sandstorm! Her character is making a special appearance in this chapter!

"You sure about this?"

Erin nods her head as she sits on the bed in the med bay.

"I need to know what I saw." She tells Sara.

Sara raises her eyebrows, "You're sure we should be doing this without the scientists?"

Erin looks up to the roof and comments "I think you hurt Gideon's feelings by questioning her skills."

Sara just laughs before lightly pushing Erin over. Instead of falling over Erin slowly lays herself down on the bed.

"Blue one on the left?" Sara double checks before Gideon responds and tells her "That's correct."

Sara carefully and strategically takes the small blue wire and sticks the round end onto Erin's left temple. She takes the same looking wire, except this one is red, and sticks it to Erin's right temple.

She brushes back the two french braids behind Erin's shoulder and looks into the brunette's eyes. "You're 100 percent sure you want to do this? Especially with Savage on board?"

Without hesitation Erin nods her head. "If I don't do it now I may never have the chance. And maybe this might help me figure out what's happening with the panther side of me."

Sara nods in understanding before taking the small needle and poking it into a vein on Erin's arm.

Erin flinches a bit but doesn't say or do anything else as Sara connects the tube to the needle.

"Okay Gideon, do your thing." Sara tells the AI.

A thin, blue liquid starts to travel through the tube and into Erin's arm.

Sara grabs her girlfriends hand and gives it a squeeze.

The blue visibly travels through Erin's veins, traveling up her arm, through her shoulder and then into her neck.

The blue travels up her neck and reaches across her face, spreading and causing Erin to close her eyes and take a deep breath.

She's suddenly not lying down anymore. Nobody is holding her hand and there is no pinch in her arm or slight pressure on her head.

She opens her eyes to find herself wearing the same white tank top and black leggings that she was moments ago.

The ground seems dark, it's gravel. Her two braids swing around as she spins to look at her surroundings.

She's on a street, the road is gravel and there's sidewalks on either side but the street is otherwise empty.

She spins to look behind her, finding the same emptiness.

When Erin turns back around again, she doesn't see emptiness.

The street is buzzing with activity.

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