I'm my worst enemy: a slam poem

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I'm my worst enemy: a slam poem

I'm my worst enemy.
Now some people must wonder why I say that.
I'll explain.
Anxiety, depression, and insomnia sweep me in their arms.
Depression points out the things I hate about myself.
Anxiety puts too much on my shoulders which causes me to stress out.
Insomnia wraps me in its arms at night and it leaves me restless.
These are my closet friends.
They were caused by others who felt as if they could make my life hell, bullying for say.
In the effect they caused me to be damaged
It has formed voices in my head.
Saying, I'll never be perfect, and that I'm just a screwup.
When I say I'm my worst enemy.
I'm saying I bring myself down.
I hate myself
And my body
The fact that my small boobs and slim waist cause me to think I will never be enough.
It gave my closet friends a reason to starve myself.
The scars on my body are a reminder how strong I am, not that I'm an attention seeker or that I want pity. I'm not and I don't want attention or pity.
The voices eat me up on the inside.
They twist my thoughts and make me overthink.
They scream horrible things in my ears.
And I'm left where I can't breathe.
They laugh at me and make me feel helpless.
I'm my worst enemy.


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