Meet Xander. The Biggest Butt Around(Chapter Four)

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The head counselors stumbled out of the portal gasped when they realized they were in the Big House and near their own respective chairs.

"That. Was. AWESOME!" Travis and Connor whooped, punching their fists in the air.

"Shut it, Stolls." Clarrise rolled her eyes. Their mouths clamped shut since the last time they didn't do what they said, let's just say the infirmary had two sons of Hermes for 2 months. Nobody wants that. Especially Will.

The Angels were lined up in perfect order except for Omega. He was off in the shadows lurking.

"Now that we are here, teach us about your ways of living," Zoe said, smiling, though since most of her mouth was covered, it looked like a sadistic grin.

"Well, one blow from the conch horn means breakfast, lunch or dinner. Two means monster or other deities are attacking Camp." Annabeth explained. "And every meal, we have to sacrifice to the gods."

"We won't be doing that." ALuke butted in. Zoe rolled her eyes at him.

Annabeth looked shocked. "Well, um, we kinda have to. It's regulation."

"Do I have to repeat what I said?" Luke asked. Annabeth's eyes widened at Luke's statement. She shook her head no fastly.

"What I meant-" she stopped herself before she dug her hole deeper.

"Anything else we should know?" asked Zoe.

"We have Capture The Flag every Friday. And the gods visit every Wednesday, and Saturday. To, uh spend with their children." 

"Alright, you heard it, soldiers! The gods visit and we may have extra training on Friday if it can be arranged." You could hear the smirk in Luke's voice.

"Do you wish to join us?" said the daughter of Athena.

"Yes, that'd be quite alright. Could something like campers against hunters against Angels?" He shrugged. Bianca looked over at Omega who was watching the scene unfold. He met her gaze and his eyes was a mix of pale sea green, the galaxy, and white. She shivered at the hardness and the look of complete isolation and torture in his eyes. How was this Percy Jackson? He wasn't. He was Omega.

Annabeth shrugged and looked over at Chiron. He nodded.

"So, in a couple minutes, it's going to be dinner. If you want to introduce yourselves to camp or..." Jason pointed out. 

"Oh, yes that'll do," Zoe confirmed while looking over at Omega. He nodded mutely.

"Right, I guess we'll see you all at dinner?" Annabeth tried for a confident smile, but even that was wavering.

"Oh, yes, of course," said Zoe.

"But what about a dinner table?" asked the daughter of war, Clarisse.

Omega stepped out of the shadows and snapped his fingers. Everyone heard the clanging of metal hitting cement. Everyone but the Angels flinched.

"I guess that's fixed," Clarisse muttered. Travis and Connor looked out at the window happily.

"Oh, my gods! There's a new table!" they said their eyes becoming huge. Luke and Zoe rolled their eyes. Clarisse gave them a glare. They both straightened their backs and looked away stiffly, avoiding Clarisse's eyes.

The conch horn sounded once. Everyone slowly walked from their cabins and sluggishly sat down. Omega raised his brows along with the Angels.

"Everyone is sad?" asked Ethan. Annabeth looked down.

"Ever since. Per-" her voice cracked on his name. "He left, the camp was never the same." She nervously glanced at Omega. "The campfire has been black for years now. Nobody can get over him."

The Start of A New Begining{UP FOR ADOPTION}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin