Another Kill (Chapter One)

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A man dressed in peasant's clothing swiftly walked through a crowded area with many people walking briskly past him. He worked his way toward a fountain and pulled a jera and flicked it into the pond in a swift motion. He muttered under his breath and quickly walked toward the swarm of people once more. He took his chances at praying to the mighty Chaos, now he has to hide again. 

The man glanced around at the building tops as if searching for answers. His light lilac eyes darkened when he sees a shadow move out of sight. He cursed under his breath. He didn't have enough time.

Now he knew he had to be quick. He shoved his way past the massive amounts of people that seemed to be working against him.He nearly scoffed out loud. They'd all be working against him if they didn't recognize him. A small child with green tinted skin and dark green hair was shoved into him.

"Watch it, kid." He muttered angrily. The child looked up at the man that had a hood over his face. Purple eyes flashed angrily at the kid. The child whimpered and clutched what seems to be his mother's leg.  The man paid no attention and quickly went into a dark alleyway where another man beckoned him in.

The other man was dressed similarly. Peasant clothing with a hood draped over his eyes. 

"Didn't think you'd come." The new man said gruffly. The original man nodded with a low grunt.

"As if. Now about this deal?" The new man smiled and let out a chuckle that held no humor.

"What's the rush? A woman perhaps?" 

"No." Was the short reply.

"Mother that is deathly sick?"


"Then what is the hurry, my friend?" The new man said with a bout of laughter. The lilac color eyed man stayed emotionless.

"I don't answer to the likes of you. Just hurry up." 

On the rooftop, a young man was perched on the railing like an eagle waiting for prey. His clothing screamed danger. A pearly black cloak was draped on, with the hood covering everything, but his mouth. Every hole in the cloak was lined with gold. If you were to look inside, you'd see a collection of knives and poisons. Tufts a white hair peeked out from under the hood. A greek omega was pinned onto the cloak along with badges as if showing honor and pride about his accomplishments. 

The new man walked back into the darkness and pulled out a woman with long black hair and a tan complexion. Her eyes were the color of fire and her face was twisted in pain. The man smiled and took the woman by the hand. A growl erupted from the woman's throat. 

"Hush woman." The man hissed at her, spit flying onto her face.

The white-haired man on the rooftops jumped down in grace and into a shadow. All that was heard was the swoosh of cloth from the outside windows of the buildings that hang from the windowsills. The men whipped their heads back to the sound. 

The man that held the woman pushed her down to the ground, where she lay, not wanting to move-- too scared.

The men held a fighting stance, analyzing the darkness before them.

Before anyone could react, the new man's head was now on the floor, his eyes rolling around lifelessly. The body collapsed to its knees and then onto the floor. Blood pooled around the neck, draining the blood from the body. The other man whimpered in fear.

"Who goes there?" The man whispered, fear shining in his lilac eyes. The cloaked man stepped out of the shadows revealing him as a 6'3 man.

"Kyler Star, you have been accused of mass murder and the assassination of King Opah, Queen Alexandra, and Princess Kaitlyn. Do you plead innocent?" Said the man in their minds, twirling a sword that was made of Chaos Metal, the rarest metal known to anyone, as well as the hardest metal.

"Y-Y-Y-Yes!" The man stuttered out, holding his clothing in a tight fist. The cloaked man looked unimpressed.

"Wrong." The cloaked man took his sword and plunged it into Kyler's shoulder and twisted it, giving him as much pain as possible. He then took a concealed dagger and stabbed his arms and legs. Kyler was barely living.

"W-W-Who are y-you?" Kyler grimaced in pain.

"I am the Judge. I am the Jury. I am the Executioner. I am Omega. I am the end. But you won't leave another day to tell the story." Newly dubbed Omega said into Kyler's mind as he ripped Kyler's heart straight from the inside of his body. Kyler gasped and then the light left his eyes. He was dead.

Omega turned toward the frightened woman and threw Kyler's heart across the alleyway. He handed the woman a device and some jera and bent down to her level.

"I'm offering you a choice. Either stay here and live out your life. Or you can join a group called The Hunters Of Artemis. They are a group of immortal girls that travel a planet called Earth and are sworn to maidenhood. This device will teleport you to Earth within a one-mile radius of their camp and will notify them of your presence. If anyone asks no one help you." The woman nodded as Omega helped her up to her feet. She kissed him on the cheek and left with a thankful smile on her face. 

Within the second, Omega was gone. The woman turned back to thank the mysterious man but found he wasn't there.

No one would ever believe who he was in his past life. Who Omega, who deems himself the Judge, the Jury, and the Executioner. Assassin of Chaos. Son of Chaos and heir to the universe. 

Omega was Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon.

Sorry for the short chapter, it's basically an introduction to the story in a way. As you can see, I've decided to do a Chaos story. And it's final. I've fallen down a dark, dark, dark hole I like to call Percy was betrayed'. I know, I know. You may be wondering if I'm continuing 'High School...Ugh'! And don't you worry, I'm still going to write it. I just want to try out a Chaos story. Be sure to comment and if you want to, vote. Have a great, amazing, wonderful day or night, wherever you are my friends. Peace out! <3 <3 <3

The Start of A New Begining{UP FOR ADOPTION}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα