Cold Hearted(Chapter Two)

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A white castle stood upon a high hill, with glittering like stone. It stood toward miles upon miles of town, as if it was looking at it all. It had gorgeous windows and architecture. The planet it was placed on was nowhere really. Nobody could reach it without portals. But it was less of a planet and more like a slab of ground floating in the sky. No ordinary mortal could look upon this area, it looked only like the galaxy. 

Pastel skies were the beauty of it all. Magical creatures such as fairies and wisps dwelled in the twisted oak trees. Sunsets were beautiful and the sky was always clear. Doves flew across the sky along with pegasuses.Waterfalls fell off the planet and into oblivion.  Rivers flowed through the land and wildlife was everywhere and nothing was a danger to this planet, at least what was on the floating masterpiece couldn't hurt a fly.

A young looking man sat upon a high throne in the inside of the pure castle. He wore a white and gold cloak. His hair was jet black and his eyes were the color of the galaxy. He had light stubble on his chin. His complexion was fair and his face had smile creases. But his eyes were full sadness, never mind the mysterious color. 

His name is Chaos, the creator of all. 

Chaos's eyes swirled with anticipation. His hands were curled into a fist and his face was stoic. Chaos glanced at the grand doors in front of him. 

Statues of heroes rested on pillars. Achilles, Perseus, Theseus, Orion, Odysseus, Leo Valdez, Luke Castellan, and Per-Omega. Heroes from other planets also were there.

A swish occurred and Chaos snapped his head to the corner where Omega was walking swiftly toward Chaos. He kneeled down in front of Chaos, with his head down to the ground. Chaos looked slightly amused.

"How was the mission? Successful I hope." Chaos's rich, deep voice boomed. Omega didn't flinch.

"Successful, my lord," Omega said in his mind, his lips never moving.Chaos smirked at his son.

"I had no doubt about it. And don't call me lord. You are my son." Chaos scolded the man in front of him. Omega nodded. "And don't bow!" Omega nodded once more and stood in front of his father.

Chaos smiled at Omega. The doors opened and in stepped another man.

He wore a pearly white cloak with a white hood with gold and black swirls. A sword, you may be familiar with rested on the man's waist--Backbiter. He stood 6'2 and with a strong stature. Inside his cloak were knives and daggers. His name was Alpha, the second in command of Chaos's army. But he was otherwise known as Hero. Or Luke Castellan if he allowed it.

Following Hero was a woman.

She wore a cloak with the pattern of the galaxy and black vines decorated the cloaks ends. She held a staff with a pearly black orb floated in the curve of the wood. She stood 5'4, relatively short compared to others. Braids fell out of the hood. Her name was Beta, the third in command of Chaos's army. Otherwise known as Star. Or Zoe Nightshade if you knew her well enough and trusted you.

"Omega, you're back!" Alpha shouted in glee. Beta smiled instead of shouting. Omega remained emotionless and nodded. 

Alpha ran up to hug Omega, but Omega stepped out of the way, so instead Alpha ran into Chaos himself. Alpha tripped and fell onto his bum and looked up at Chaos, his eyes wide. Chaos smirked and snapped his fingers. Alpha suddenly was standing up as firm as a rock next to Beta.

"Alpha! Don't do that!" Beta said scolding Alpha. Alpha shrugged.

"Sorry." Was all he said. 

Alpha looked at the statue of himself and his face crinkled into a frown. 

"Why do you still have that?" Alpha said to Chaos, pointing at the statue. Chaos shrugged.

"You're a hero."



"Definitely not."

"Shut up before I send you to Zephros." Alpha's mouth shut with a snap. Last time he was sent to Zephros, he was swarmed with girls and let's just say he came out with more than acceptable numbers and lip marks from lipstick. And....let's not get into the last part...

Beta kneeled toward Chaos, similar to how Omega had. Alpha stared at Beta and shrugged, he then knelt next to Beta.

"I wish to speak to you three along with your best soldiers--Forge, Beauty, Revenge, Jester, and Death." said the king of the universe. Omega nodded and disappeared in a cloud of blackness. Alpha and Beta were left in the throne room with Chaos.

"Alpha," Chaos nodded toward Hero,"Beta," Chaos then nodded at Star,"Keep Omega in control when I tell all of you your next mission. I don't want him to do anything rash."

Hero and Star nodded dutifully. Seconds later, Forger, Beauty, Revenge, Jester, and Death--in that exact order--walked in a line through the door.

Each of them wore black cloaks with gold lining. Beauty had silky black hair that fell from under her hood. Forge looked muscular and quite tall. Revenge was lanky but tall--good for crawling in tight spaces. Jester had a scrawny figure and was short. Death had a single brown-black braid fall from under her hood.

All of them wore a medal, a chaotic silver one. All of them depicted Chaos's throne with Chaos sitting on it, with Omega lurking in the shadows with his sword pulled out,

"My Lord." They said in unison and knelt. Chaos gave a small smile.

"Stop with the Lord crap. You know me well enough." Chaos chastised. They stood up and looked straight into Chaos's eyes.

Jester flicked down his hood to reveal a Latino boy with curly brown hair and elvish features. He had red-orange eyes. 

Forge shrugged and slid his hood off of his head.  Chocolate brown skin and short black hair contrasted well. His face looked well structured and his lips were turned into a smile. He had orange-yellowish eyes.

Beauty picked at her hood and sighed. She flicked down her hood to reveal a slightly, only slightly! Asian girl with black, silky hair. Her eyes glittered with a pale blue and pink. 

Death pulled her hood down with grace. She had a silver circlet on her hair, which was brown and braided. She had pale skin and dark ebony eyes. She looked unimpressed.

Revenge kept his hood up, but if you looked closely, you could see the faint outline of an eye-patch.

All of these heroes were from Earth--Beckendorf, Silena, Leo, Ethan, and Bianca were all in Chaos's army and serving the greater good.

"I wish to speak to all of you for an upcoming war. You see, my cough-brother-cough, End has arrived at one of my favorites planets, posing as a threat to the occupants. I wish for all of you to visit and help them win the war. And I know the memories that scars leave, but please, do not do anything rash. I wish for all of you to go to Earth and assist them." Chaos said, his eyes grave.

Omega nodded stiffly and dissipated in a cloud of darkness once more.

Everyone let out a breath of relief when he left. But, the peace was interrupted when one of the army's best more solid--her identity unknown, but everyone trusted her, excluding Omega of course.

"My lords and ladies, I bring urgent news! Another player has joined the war--Void." Her voice sounded familiar to all of them, they all felt this whenever they spoke with each other. No one knows her identity except Chaos and he's sworn to secrecy.

"Breaker, alert the primordials. I wish to speak to them." Chaos said with a shaky breath.

"This war is not going to end with few casualties from both sides." Chaos said gravely. "Not at all."

ELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO! Good day ain't it? I sure hope so! I just printed out the first copy of my book and no it's not published. Sorry! But otherwise, it's been a pretty good week for my family. Things are trying to settle down with everything. If you want more, comment and or recommond me, because my dream is to have at least 100 followers by the end of the year and I hope you guys can help me reach that goal. Have a wonderful, amazing, fantastic day or night whenever, wherever you are! Peace out! <3 <3 <3

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