This Assassin Doesn't Speak(Chapter Three)

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The golden gates of Olympus shined with pristine gold. Statues upon statues stood in nature ridden gardens. Fountains with such architecture--Athena herself must've designed them. You'd be correct. Temples with statues of each god or goddess stood high and mighty, all the temples each had symbols or qualities that represented each immortal. Cloudless and sunny skies hung in the warm air. Zeus must be in a good mood, otherwise, the sky would be riddled with storm clouds and rainfalls.

A tall golden structure laid in the middle of all of the glory. Architecture and even more statues stood near the walls. Zeus with his lightning bolt. Poseidon with his trident. Hades with his helm. Athena with her owl and ancient texts, along with her armor. Aphrodite with doves and in a revealing dress. Hephaestus and his mighty hammer and fire. Ares with his spear. Dionysus and his grape vines and alcoholic beverage in hand. Artemis and her bow. Apollo with his lyre. Demeter and her stalk of grain. Hestia and her hearth. Hera with her peacock. Hermes with his caduceus.

Omega swiftly entered the shadows and reappeared int he throne room where all of the 14 Olympians sat on their 'mighty' thrones. Forge, Beauty, Jester, Revenge, Alpha, Beta, and Death followed after Omega using the shadows to transport them.

They stayed in the shadows as they watched the Olympians bicker.

"Zeus! Will you STOP CHEATING ON ME?" Hera, goddess of marriage and family, shrieked.

"Hades, will you ever eat SOME cereal?!?" Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, the earth, and fertility, chastised.

"Why am I so hot?" Apollo, the god of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge, flexed his muscles.

"Apollo, stop flirting with my hunters for the millionth time!" Artemis, goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, and virginity, growled out.

"WWWAAAAARRRRR!" Ares, the god of war, said raising his spear.

"Athena dear, will you help me with my makeup?" Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, tried to give Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy, her blush.

"BIRD BRAIN!"Poseidon, god the sea, earthquakes, and horses, yelled.

"KELP HEAD!" said the angry wisdom goddess, Athena.

"Why am I the messenger god??" questioned Hermes, the god of messaging trade, wealth, luck, fertility, animal husbandry, thieves, travel, and language. 

"I'M THE KING OF THE GODS!" screamed Zeus, the god of the sky and rain.

Hades and Hestia stood off next to each other in a conversation. What was most interesting about the whole situation was the demigods and demigoddesses that were standing next to their parent's throne. 

All of the sudden, a dark, black portal appeared in the middle of all of the bickering. They all snapped their attention to the unidentified man who walked out of the portal with the white and gold cloak and hair the color of the blackness of night and the eyes that looked to be a galaxy, with light stubble and fair complexion. 

"WHO ARE YOU?!?" thundered Zeus. The man smirked.

"That's not how you speak to your superiors, Zeusy." the man chastised with his finger pointed at him with a motherly expression.

"STATE YOUR NAME!" was the reply. The man rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Here I am, trying to be mysterious and serious and now I can't even hold my laughter! Great me." said the man.

"Great me?" asked the curious Athena. Her daughter, curly blonde hair and striking grey eyes took out a notebook and pen. She had pale skin and bags under her eyes. She looked quite tired. 

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