"What is it that you wish to steal me for?" Zara asks her husband once they have moved far enough away not to be within anyone's earshot. Philippe grins at her and before he can do anything she shoves him back. "Philippe!"

"Sweetheart, as much as I have missed you I also have a letter to pass along to you." He removed the envelope from within his jacket and holds it out to her.

Zara sighs upon seeing the Ricell wax seal. She takes it from him and turns it over in her hands. She holds it back out to him. "I have no wish to read it. You may if you want to and then if it is important relay the message to me." Philippe takes it back and securely places it back within his jacket. "You have already read it? What did you do, steam it open?"

"So distrusting," Philippe teases but under her direct gaze he crumples. "I have read the contents. You showed me how to open an envelope without anyone noticing, did you not expect me to use such a skill?"

"The message is not important?" She purposely ignores his question knowing that they both know the answer.

"Gethin is asking for the whereabouts of his daughter. I have already discussed the matter with Mia. When Tress is older he will then be given contact but not until then. Her innocence must stay in place for as long as it can and her safety guaranteed till she is of an age to defend herself. Although I doubt he will stoop to kidnapping again."

"Do not underestimate my brother, darling. She will always be his power play back to the Ricell lands and we must not forget that. Perhaps one day I will help her get that land for herself but only for herself. Mia may one day find it wiser to never let him see her."

Philippe takes his wife's hand and rubs his thumb over the slight callouses on her fingertips. She works too hard and he wishes that she did not carry her family's choices on her shoulders. He finds it sad to think that she has no trust in her brothers but he cannot change that. "Perhaps Tress will want to know him though and then it will be out of all our hands." Zara glances down at his hand around hers. "Sweetheart?"

"I heard news that your mother is planning to visit."

"She is..."

"I have planned to go on a small trip. Please apologise to her for my absence when she arrives and keep an eye on Bear with Mia. I will be leaving in the morning."

"I told her that subject is not to be brought again, sweetheart. I do not wish to order you to stay and build more of a friendship with my mother when she was your champion during our interesting courtship."

Zara removes her hand from his grip and takes a step back. Her chin lifts stubbornly and with all the power of a Ricell. "Then do not order me for you know it will do no good. Believe me when I say that our friendship is better in penned letters rather than in each other's company."

"She wishes to be close to you."

"She wishes to control me and you. I have been controlled far too often in the past. I am not living my life by another's plan." She goes on her tip toes and presses a kiss to her husband's cheek. "But if you ask me to stay then I will and I will sit obediently when I am told I must bear children as soon as possible and wait while she asks if I need a visit from a wise healer. I will stomach all of those things for you if that is what you ask."

Philippe tilts her chin up and presses a light kiss on her lips. "Enjoy your trip."

○ ○ ○

After dinner, when Philippe and Zara have retired to their room, Bear and Mia sit on a large sofa with the children between them. Tress leans against Bear, already comfortable with him and Oz slots contentedly under his mother's arm. Mia smiles across at Bear as he speaks telling the young ones a story just as he did so many years ago.

"He was a great warrior and a man of immense strength. As a child I heard stories of how he fought for his people and stopped the enemies from burning down villages. He threw himself into the midst of danger without worry for his own skin. He only cared about the ones that could not defend themselves. He strove for peace but he was not afraid to fight for the vulnerable. He had not yet met a challenge that he could not defeat but then he saw her."

"A pretty girl?" Tress interrupts eagerly. Oz rolls his eyes but makes no other action to show his irritation. Secretly these are his favourite moments.

"Indeed. A very pretty girl," Bear confirms. Tress beams and stares at him waiting for him to continue the story. "But she was the only one, according to him, who was not immediately impressed with him. All she saw was a man who thought too greatly of himself. He asked to court her and she asked him if he was sure. It was not a response he expected. See, she was not going to say no to him. He was a Lord after all. Her parents would be mortified.

"He decided he wanted her heart and he would not ask her again until he had it. He bought her jewels. She gave them to her parents. He gave her flowers; she took them graciously and passed them along to her mother. He drew her a picture and she kept it. So he continued to draw things that made him smile and reminded him of her. Over time she fell in love with him."

"Did he ask her again?"

"He skipped the courtship part and asked for her hand."

"Did she say yes?" Oz asks.

"Thankfully she did. If she did not my brothers and I would never have existed. My father loved my mother more than anything and he loved his sons without hindrance. I plan to follow his example." Bear meets Mia's eyes and she nods. "Sadly my drawing skills do not meet his."

"Now that is a shame," Mia teases. She glances down at Tress and smiles, "You look tired, bedtime?" Tress nods. Mia stands up and Tress is lifted up into her arms. "Could you show Bear his room, Oz?"

"Yes Ma."

She leaves with Tress and Oz turns to Bear. "Do I get to be your best man at your wedding?"

Bear chuckles and stands. "We will see. Come on, show me my room."

Oz grins and gets to his feet. He leads the way having watched the room being prepared earlier. "I could do with some new boots," Oz comments blasé. Bear stifles another laugh at the clear request of a bribe. "And Tress could do with a new dress. Even Ma might like both of those."

Bear ruffles the young boy's hair affectionately. "I think I may be able to assist."

Only one, possible two chapters left I think. Hopefully you enjoyed this one. What did you think to Brock and Claire's story?
Sorry it is a bit later than usual, it has been a really long day.

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