Miss me?

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Your POV
I woke up finding myself in a clear space. "So I really died huh" I asked myself. I saw someone in the distance and stared confused. "Shadow, you've grown so much" someone said behind me. I spun around to see my mother. "Mum!" I yelled running up to her and pulling her into a hug. She returned the hug, whispering happily. I pulled away, looking into her eyes. "Why did you leave?" I asked making her sigh. "I had to, you were supposed to grow up and meet me one way or the other" she answered. "So I'm not going back" I said. "Of course you are. You have someone special waiting for you" she said making a mirror appear, reflecting Smiley's image. "Smiley" I whispered. "You can go and see him before you make your decision to finally go back" I nodded and jumped into the mirror. I appeared in the corner of his room to see him sitting on his bed, looking through at pictures of me. I walked towards him, standing in front of him. Since I were a ghost, he couldn't hear or see me. "Shadow, I wish you would come back" he whispered. "It's my fault you were stabbed. I only wish you would forgive me and come back. Even if you hate me" he whispered. It broke my heart, he blamed himself for my death. "Smiley, I'll never be mad at you. It's not your fault" I said but he couldn't hear me. I touched his face gently, kissing his lips. "I'm coming back. Just for you" I whispered pulling away and jumping back into the mirror. My mother stood there, tears of joy running down her face. She pulled me into a hug saying, "Go my child, make your life and enjoy it" she said. I nodded, tears falling down. "Aren't you coming to?" I asked. "No my child, this is where I belong. But I'll always be with you. Here" she said pulling out an amulet necklace.

"Thanks mother" I said. "You're welcome my darling. Now go and enjoy your life" she said kissing my head making me disappear. I woke up to see myself in an enclosed space. "A coffin huh, no problem" I said punching a hole letting in dirt. I continued punching and broke the latch. I stood up to see myself in an abandoned part of the forest. It had a clear space and a waterfall. "Thanks for burying me in the nice part of the forest Slender" I said. I spread my wings and flew out of there. I landed on a tree and cast a spell to clean myself. I summoned a mirror and looked at my reflection. (You look like the girl on the cover of the book). "Wow. I've changed. Time to surprise the others" I said. Sending a dangerous waves through the forest, making sure to let Slender feel it.
Slender's POV
I was doing some paperwork in my office when I felt a powerful wave it hit me. I gasp and stood up, leaving my office and calling a meeting in the living room. "Everyone gather your weapons, we have a disturbance in the forest" I said making everyone sigh. "This would have been fun if Shadow was here" Jane said making everyone sigh sadly. "I know, but we have to go ourselves." I said making them leave and go to the forest.
Your POV
I felt them coming and smirked happily, still on top of the tree. I put this on

Over my outfit (minus the coat and scarf)

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Over my outfit (minus the coat and scarf)

I pulled the hood over my head and pulled out a black mouth guard, putting it on as well

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I pulled the hood over my head and pulled out a black mouth guard, putting it on as well.
3rd person's POV
The others arrived in the clearing where you were. "Ugh~ where is this dude anyway. I wanna hurry up and go back home" Jeff complained. "Right here" you said jumping down and landing a few feet away from them. "Who are you?!" EJ yelled, readying his scalpel. "Aww, forgotten me so soon~" you said pulling of the mouth guard and pulling down the hood. They all gasped and screamed, "SHADOW" as they tackled you in a hug. They all talked about how it's great to have you back. "Shadow it's great to have you back" Jeff said fist-bumping you. You stood up, brushing off the dust of you. You stood up to face Smiley who couldn't believe you're alive. "Shadow, you're alive" he said making you nod. You approached him and said, "In the flesh" he pulled you into a hug whispering how happy he is to see you. All of a sudden the CPs started yelling, "KISS! KISS! KISS!" making him blush. You pulled his mouth mask down and wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist. He leaned in, kissing you as you kissed back. All the creepypastas yelled and hooted. You pulled away smiling, foreheads touching. "This calls for a celebration!" Jeff yelled making everyone cheer. They went inside and you and Smiley linked hands, smiling at each other and going inside.

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