You Vs Jeff

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Jeff's POV
I'm giving Shadow a tour of the house even though I know she won't get lost. "Hey Jeff, what will I be doing while I'm here?" she asked. "Well you'll be training, chilling, going on killing sprees you know that stuff." I answered. "Oh cool" she said but sighed. "What's wrong Shadow?" I asked making her look at me. "Well when you said training, I remembered my wolf, Craze. He died before I could even gain my first power." she said sighing. "Dang I'm sorry" I said trying to comfort her. "It's nothing I'll be fine. Let's just continue" she said brushing it off but looked slightly saddened. I continued walking and talking to her as we met Toby on the way. "H-hey *tick* Jeff, he-hey *tick* Shadow." he said. "Hey Toby" we said in unison. "What a-are you guys do-doing?" he asked. "Jeff's just showing me around the house, like the good little boy he his" Shadow replied, patting my cheek making me blush. "You are crazy" I told her getting rid of the blush. "Crazy awesome" she said, flipping her hair and smirking. I shook my head and smiled as Toby playfully rolled his eyes. "Well we're *tick* going to train because *tick* we're bored. You guys wanna *tick* come?" Toby asked making us nod. "G-great! We will be i-in the yard. S-se-see you in *twitch* ten" he said running off. We smiled and went to get ready.
Your POV
Everyone was in the yard, stretching or cleaning their weapons. Jeff and I exited the house, going towards them. "Great, now *twitch* that we're all *tick* here, we can begin!" Toby yelled happily. "Okay now let's *tick* partner up* he said as everyone paired up. "Guess we're partners Shadow. Don't expect me to take it easy on you" Jeff said pulling out his knife. "Don't cry when I beat you" you said, pulling out your dagger.


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e smirked and charged at me, knife raised and clashing with my dagger. I kicked his gut, making him double over. I stepped on his back, forcing him to his knees, jumping into the air and landing a few meters away from him. He stood up and ran at me, swinging his knife but I blocked it. He swung his knife, slicing my shirt and cutting my skin. I looked down at the cut and smirked seeing blood trickling from the scratch. I looked up and my eyes flashed red and the scratch cleared and my shirt patched up. I charged at Jeff, landing a punch on him making him fall back. He hit the ground and his knife fell a few feet away. I stood over him pointing my dagger at his face, smirking ."I win" I gloated smiling as he groaned. I offered him a hand which he accepted and I pulled him up. I handed him his knife which he stuffed into his pocket. "You won fair and square, congrats" he said making me smile. I heard a sigh a distance from us (you have extremely sharp hearing). I looked in the direction of the noise and saw Jane with a sad expression on her face, looking into our direction. We made eye contact and she quickly looked away, walking to the mansion. "Hmm" I hummed quietly. "Yo Shadow, you coming?" Ben yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah" I replied walking towards the mansion.

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