Jane spies on you

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Your POV
I looked at myself in the mirror, trying to see what I can do to look human. I checked the time, 7:15 it read. "Well gotta try something" I said. "Spell book, come to me" I commanded as it appeared in front of me. I flipped through, finally landing on a spell to make me look human. "Hmm, says here this spell doesn't work if you're past all power levels. Dang it" I groaned making the book disappear. I fell onto my bed groaning. "Now what am I supposed to do?" I asked, thinking for a bit. I gasped remembering something. I shot up from my bed and going to my jewelry box. "Tell me I didn't get rid of it" I prayed, rumbling through the box. "Yes! Found it!" I exclaimed happily. I put on the necklace my father gave me.

As soon as I finished putting it on, it glowed and dark red smoke came from it

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As soon as I finished putting it on, it glowed and dark red smoke came from it. When it cleared, my red eyes became (e/c), my hair remained the same (it was black with red highlights), my pale skin and fangs became normal and my claws became finger nails. I looked in the mirror and smiled. Checking the time, it read 7:35. I quickly changed into this

I picked your stuff and left the house

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I picked your stuff and left the house.
I arrived at Wade's street looking round for Jeff. You saw someone who perked your interest and instantly recognized him. "Jeff! Yo Jeff over here!" I yelled getting his attention. He smiled at walked over to me. "I thought you weren't going to show" he said as he reached me. "I had nothing better to do anyway" I said shrugging. "So do you have any plans?" I asked making him nod. "I thought we could watch a movie and hang out" he suggested. "So this is an indirect date" I said smirking as he blushed. "Wh-What? No it's just some friends hanging out" he stuttered nervously making me laugh. "Calm down dude, I'm just teasing" I said between laughs. "I knew that" he lied, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah sure" I said sarcastically. "Come on, I have a cool movie we could watch" I said walking towards the movie theater. Jeff followed, trying to get rid of his blush. I bought tickets and walked into the theater. The movie hadn't started but we sat down and Jeff said, "I'm gonna get snacks, any requests?" "Just a (f/d) and popcorn" I said making him nod. "Be right back" he said as you saved his seat. He returned a while later with the snacks. "Here you go" he said handing my order to me. "Thanks" I said as he sat down and the movie began. Unknown to you both, Jane was at the far back, videoing you both. "So this is where you've been going Jeff, Slender would love to see this" she whispered taking pictures as well.
-After the movie-
Jeff and I exited the theater, laughing and talking about the movie. "That movie was stupid, it was totally not scary" Jeff commented making me agree. "Seriously, I've seen dog puke scarier than that shit" I said making Jeff laugh. "Come on, I wanna show you something" he said, leading me into the forest. "I would have questioned where you were taking me especially if it's in the forest but I don't give a fuck" I said following him.
"Here it is" Jeff said, pulling back some vines that hung like curtains. Inside was a clear space, with a waterfall and a calm environment. I looked around and shrugged, "These type of stuff don't make me feel anything but nice effort" I said. "I'm not trying to make it romantic or any shit. And this isn't even the place. Follow me" he said going deeper into the scenery. "So what kind of shitty place is this" I said referring to the place. "It's Slenderman's meditation area" he answered making you stiffen. "Slenderman?" I growled but tried to hide it. "Yeah why. You afraid?" he teased. "Fuck no! I just have issues with him, deep issues" I answered. "I'm sure it's personal, I don't think I should interrupt" he said. "Thank you" I said. "Well here it is" he said, opening a large door. Inside was a den sort of with bloody walls and weapons and other things. "Now THIS is my kind of place" I exclaimed looking round. "What is this place?" I asked, touching some bones. "This is my secret lair, the one place I got to escape the annoyance of the mansion" he answered sitting on the couch. "Well it's awesome." I said. "Didn't you kill someone in here?" I asked making him nod. "Do you have any organs left?" I asked again. "Sure, come lemme show you." he stood up and entered a kitchen like place. He opened the fridge to reveal food and some organs. "Score" I exclaimed, taking the jar with the heart floating inside. "Can I eat it?" I asked. "Go ahead. I wanna see" he said, smirking. I opened the jar and pulled out the heart. I dropped it in my mouth, swallowing it whole as blood ran down the side of my mouth. "So cool" he said in awe as my eyes flashed red. "Ah~ finally something I enjoy eating" I said, wiping the blood from my mouth. Jeff and I spent the rest of the day, watching movies and hanging out in his lair. "I've had fun." I said making him nod. " I guess I'll see you some other time" I said, gathering my stuff. He sighed but nodded. "Guess I have to go back to that asshat mansion" he groaned standing up. "Sad" I said. "Okay so tomorrow, if you're up for it" Jeff said making I nod. "Bye" I said teleporting away. He was about to lock up when he saw a paper on the ground. He picked it up, reading what was on it. 'Call me (your number)' it read. Jeff smiled and stuffed the paper in his pocket, walking out and locking the door. He began walking towards the mansion, unaware of Jane secretly following him.
Jane's POV
"Enough evidence to get Jeff in trouble. Finally payback for all those insults" I said to myself, looking through my phone. I made my way to the mansion, ready to show Slender what I've observed.

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