Spirit Meeting Her Sister.

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Spirit woke up under some kind of thin animal fur. "Ehas dos?" She said. Then realized that she was alone. She looked around. But. No one was there. "Ello?" She said. But since no one was there she didn't get a response. Spirit curled into a ball. She just hatched a few days ago and she was terrified about being alone. "Spirit?" She heard her mother call. "Mommy?" She called. "Oh good you're awake. You ready to meet your sister?" Spirit blinked. "Wha sista?" She asked.

Thorn chuckled. "A sister is another male or female who's related to you by your parents." "Oh. Col!" "No, honey it's Cool C-O-O-L" she explained. "Cool? That wight?" Thorn chuckled again and nodded. "Come, you get to meet your sister, her husband, and your nephew, Sand." She blinked again. "Wha Nepew?" "A Nephew is a son if your sister or brother." "Col!" She said. "N- oh forget it you busted hatched a couple days ago. You ready to meet them?" Spirit boucned happily. "YAS YAS YAS YAS!!" She yelled happily. "Ok. Ok calm down before you-" Spirit fell off the bed and landed head first. She got up, completely unfazed about it. "Owch." She said.

"Are you ok?!" "Ies fines whys?" "nothing you want to meet your sister, Brother in law and Nephew?" She bounced excitedly again. "YAAAAAAAAASSSSSS!!!" She cried happily.

Thorn took her daughter's talon and lead her down the halls. She stopped at a door and knocked. "Sunny? You awake?" There was Some grumbling and a half-asleep Sandwing cane to the door. "What's the matter Mom?" "I thought you would want to meet your sister." She said pointing at Spirit. "But... I thouht-" Thorn whispered something into her ear. "Oh. Hi Spirit! It's nice to meet you!" Spirit squeaked happily and took Sunnys outstretched talon. "Can you talk yet?" She asked her. She titled her head "POSION!" She shouted. Sunny laughed. "Where'd you hear that?" Sunny said. "DADDY!" She said. Thorn rubbed her temples. 'Smolder I thought we made an agreement.' Spirit heard from her mothers head. She had told her parents about it. But when the healers checked her up they couldn't find anything wrong.

Spirits life if she never knew her parents. Where stories live. Discover now