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Jungkook's view

As soon as HaJin left my office, I called the number that kept messaging her. I have the number, because she was also texting me. HaJin and I both knew that the one that kept bugging her since this morning was actually a girl.


That voice, I heard that voice before.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" I asked seriously.

"Oh baby it's just you."

I giggled in the most annoying tone I hear from girls when we were back in highschool and college.

"Who are you? And why do you keep calling me baby?"

My tone was a bit angrier than the first tone I had.

"You really don't know who I am?"

To think of it, I really am familiar of this voice, but I don't think it's her.

"Just tell me already!"

My patience ran out and I was really angry already.

"I'll tell you soon," she replied and hung up.

Damn it!

Why is she calling me baby? Why is she messaging my wife? Why is she insulting and threatening my wife?

I think she's someone I know..


"Mr. Jeon, you should go home now," Secretary Jang said as he went inside my office.

I stared at the scattered papers that were on my desk, and I got worried. I don't want to leave work without finishing it.

"It's alright, Secretary Jang. I'll finish this paperworks first," I replied and continued what I was doing.

A hand stopped me from writing and I looked up to see Secretary and his hand holding my wrist.

"You have a wife, Mr. Jeon. You should go home."

I sighed and stopped.

"Fine. I'll just continue this tomorrow."

He arranged those paperworks that I had been doing the whole afternoon and I stood up to get my blazer and wore it.

"I'll leave now," I announced to him and he just replied with a nod.

I left my office and received greetings from the workers and I just walked to the hallway and my lips were formed into a thin line, forming a usmile without teeth. I went to the parking lot and rode my car back home.



I knocked on her room's door.

"Ne!" She replied and opened the room.

HaJin's view

I felt like cleaning my mess inside my room so I just spent my time cleaning while waiting for Jungkook to arrive. As I was cleaning, I saw a photo album, which is clearly mine since my name was written on the cover. "차하진"

It was fun looking at the pictures. I saw me riding a bicycle accompanied by my father, me running around the house with Eunwoo behind me, me playing building blocks with Bogum oppa, me playing jumping rope with my cousin Sana, and more pictures of me when I was a kid.

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