Fuck you!

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hello, 14 f here! :)

You: Fuck you.

You: Go cry to mummy

You: Bitch

You: Whore

You: Slut

You: What kind of 14 year old goes on here?

Stranger: Does it make you feel better knowing you called me names?

You: Lol

Stranger: What are you, 13?

You: Nope :)

You: 50 m. Wanna kik

Stranger: I hope you feel super proud of yourself.

You: I do <3

Stranger: Your an ass.

You: You're *

Stranger: Xoxo

You: xx

You: ;)

Stranger: Fuck you.

You: Hehe

You: Shouldn't threaten me wigth a good time like that.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I was gonna tell her I was joking but then thought.. Nope. :P

Trolling people :') It's just what I do best!Where stories live. Discover now