I just had seeeexxx <3

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Oh hey didn’t see you there

Guess what i just did

Stranger: ?

Stranger: What

You: Had sex


Saw her boobies and the rest

You: I just had sex

And it felt so good

A woman let me put my penis inside her

I wanna tell the world

You: To be honest

I'm surprised she even wanted me to do it

Doesn't really make sense

But man screw it

I ain't one to argue with a good thing

She could be my wife

That good

The best 30 seconds of my life

You: She kept looking at her watch (Doesn't matter had sex)

But I cried the whole time (Doesn't matter had sex)

I think she mighta been a racist (Doesn't matter had sex)

She put a bag on my head (still counts)

You: I just had sex

And my dreams came true

So if you’ve had sex in the last 30 minutes

Then you qualified to sing with me

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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