Homosexual Satanists...

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: So...

Stranger: 23 m ind

You: You like garlic bread?

Stranger: so sos

Stranger: yeah

You: Sos for what bae?

Stranger: nothing beeee

You: Winter is coming

Stranger: chodu ram

Stranger: lawda ka

You: and I'm a sneaky little bee

You: buzz buzz

Stranger: pudik chhaal

You: I'm sorry I don't speak Italian

Stranger: its hindi

Stranger: not italian

Stranger: and here its summer season

Stranger: got ot

Stranger: u rascal

You: Well I don't speak French either so could you watch your tone?

Stranger: fucking weeds

You: Are you a boy or a girl?

Stranger: i am a man

Stranger: 23 age

You: A mounty amount of man?

Stranger: ?????????????/

You: Nothing, Bertha don't worry

You: Listen

You: My name is Lucifer

Stranger: whatdo u mean??

Stranger: USA?

You: and I have been appointed to bring on the apocalypse by the Hindi Gods

You: Yes USA

You: That is exactly what I said

You: what is your name Mortal?

Stranger: what r u doing here?

Stranger: Deepak

You: I came to look for you, Deepak. You are the chosen one.

Stranger: I am Deepak

Stranger: okay

Stranger: :)

You: You are the chosen one because I need to inhabit your body to take over the world.

You: Now, I need your consent

You: but I'm telling you in advance that at times it can get a little bit painful

Stranger: okay so

You: I am into a variety of kinky things that you mortals would not appreciate

You: such as backwards defecating

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2014 ⏰

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