Chocolate or Vanilla?

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You: If you were suddenly transported to the sun because of an evil scheme devised by an evil Russian chicken and asked to take off your clothes and make love to the flames and then recite the presidents in alphabetical order by middle name while juggling 11 midgets holding 2 soda cans in your 2 front teeth that are being operated on by 86 Czechoslovakian dentists named Farkus who got their degree studying the taste buds of Tom Selleck at a college named after some guy who wasted their life away in his mom’s basement eating pork grinds naked while searching for pictures of Kirsten Dunst to use for the purpose that cannot be explained by the 1972 junior class of some school that nobody cares about in Eastern Idaho where woodland creatures try and recreate some bad 1940’s soap opera instead of frolicking through the woods, would you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream?

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Trolling people :') It's just what I do best!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon