Omegle :')

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hello

You: Can I ask you a serious question ?

Stranger: what?

You: Do you like cheese ?

Stranger: oh hell yeah id fuck cheese all day every day

You: Hmm

You: Interesting...

You: By the way.

Stranger: very

You: What does a blowjob mean ? All the boys keep asking me for one but I don't know what it is ?

Stranger: sucking their dick

You: I even asked my teacher and she got really mad and sent me to the head teacher, and I'm really confused

You: Whats a dick ?

Stranger: penis

You: Whats a penis ?

Stranger: if youre in school you would know this

You: Whats a school ?

Stranger: the thing between your legs

You: Sorry, I suffer from retardedness

Stranger: me too

You: The thing between my legs.... My friends call it my cat

You: Im stroking it right now

Stranger: i dont believe you

You: It just meowed

Stranger: i have a cat i call it jelly bean

You: Now its going to go kill a rat.

You: Can I stroke Jelly Bean ?

You: :D

Stranger: my cat poops in a box

You: I'm pretty sure all cats do :)

You: But mummy says I'm special because I go to special school and I'm smartest there :D

You: Ring ring ?

You: Ring ring ?

You: Helloooo ?

Stranger: alex baldwin is an asshole!!!

You: Anyone home ?

You: Whats an alex baldwin ?

Stranger: my ass

You: And whats an asshole mean ?


You: whats an ass

You: ?

Stranger: my poop chute

You: Whats a poop chute

Stranger: shit ole

You: Whats a shit ole

Stranger: i should punch you in the head while wearing hulk hands

You: Whats a hulk hand ?

You: What does punch mean ?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


I did actually have a cat on my lap at the time xD

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