Chapter 27

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A few days has passed since then. As for now, we stand in Jason Queen's office. The other girls were completely amazed by the pictures hanging on the wall, while I felt rather bored. Jason stares at us for a moment, before scrunching his brows. "I want you girls to compete in the battle of the bands," he says.

"Wow! That's exciting!" Musa states, before turning to look at us. After a few minutes, we return to the fruity music bar. "Musa, I need your help tuning my instrument," Rena says.

"Okay, I'm on the way," Musa states, before approaching her. "Try to warm up a little bit more." Rena nods in response, before playing a few notes. I heave a sigh, before looking at the microphone before me.

Before I could sing, the wizards of the black circle approach us. "Girls!" I call, narrowing my eyes at them. I jump down from the stage, before approaching them. Roxy runs out from behind the counter, having a serious expression on her face.

"You want another round?" Roxy demands angrily. I eye them carefully, being shocked by their appearance. It doesn't make sense why they would show up in a public place like this. "We didn't come to fight," Ogron states.

"Explain yourselves," I state, as his eyes widen in surprise. "If you don't, I won't hesitate to end you." He hesitantly looks at me, having a nervous expression on his face.

"Ever since you released the warrior fairies, we've been on the run," Anagan says, lowering his head in dismay. "We barely escaped last time." I eye them suspiciously, wondering if should believe their story or not.

"All we're asking for is your forgiveness and protection," Ogron adds, looking at us with pleading eyes. I purse my lips in concentration, feeling extremely conflicted on what to do.

"We need to talk privately," Bloom states, as I nod in agreement. Rena teleports us to our apartment, before heading inside. The wizards of the black circle remain in the living room, while we head into Musa's and Tecna's room. "So, what do we do?" Rena asks.

"I have an idea!" Stella says abruptly. "We could go to Sibylla, the fairy of Justice." The fairy of Justice. Many years ago, my family travelled to Italy and met her. Although she's very powerful, Sibylla is extremely wise and fair.

She was always kind to me. I used to love playing with her and the nymphs when I was younger. Sometimes, even Rena and Aisha went with me. The three of us used to have a lot of fun there! "I know exactly where to go," I say, as they look at me.

Rena exchanges a look with Aisha. "I remember her," she admits, with a warm smile. "Stella is right. Let's pay her a visit." I nod in her direction, as a smile appears on my face.

"Winx: Believix!"

"Winx: Believix!"

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I look at my friends, before we walk into the living room. We take the wizards' hands, before using our teleportation wings and appearing outside of Sibylla's cave. I cannot wait to see her again! It has been so long!

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