Chapter 7

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The next day, we open our store. We work all day, doing our best to help everyone out. I was surprised about how many customers we have. It was amazing! A lot of people love the pets!

It wasn't long before we were closing. I yawn, before stretching my arms. "Girls, we were invited to see a band," Bloom says, with happiness in her tone. I shoot her a grin and nod lightly.

"Let's go!" I say, looking at my friends. As we arrive at the place, I glance all around and notice the girl that we invited into pet shop. She stands behind the counter of the bar and makes smoothies. "I want a peach smoothie!" Stella declares.

"I'm going to take a walk," I say, before heading outside. Why does it have to be this hard? I just wish Jax was here. I miss him so much! As I walk towards the beach, a sense of calm washes over me.

"Look who we have here," a voice comes from behind, making me jump in surprise. My eyes flash dangerously, as I quickly look around. The wizards of the black circle stand there, with devilish smirks on their faces. Oh no! This cannot be good! I clench my trembling fists, feeling their intense gazes. "Leave me alone!" I state.

I look at them, as memories of being Valtor's prisoner echo through my head. If anything, I don't want history to repeat itself. "What if we don't, fairy?" Ogron mocks, with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Aqua: Enchantix!"

"What's that going to do?" Dulman questions in pure amusement

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"What's that going to do?" Dulman questions in pure amusement. I shoot him a glare, as rage forms in the pit of my stomach. Anagan stares at me, with a smirk on his face. "Magic orb!" I state.

I glower my eyes at them, planning on sending them far away once again. "Get away from her!" A familiar voice shouts. I quickly look in that direction, as Jax sprints towards us. Tears form in my eyes, as he protectively stands in front of me.

"Jax..." I say softly, as he slowly approaches the wizards. Anagan zooms at him, but Jax appears behind him and knocks him to the ground. "I won't let you hurt my girlfriend," he states, before reappearing right next to me.

"He's a wizard!" Gantlos roars, glaring at Jax. I stand right next to him, as relief forms deep within me. "I won't let anymore wizards hurt you," he murmurs, clearly thinking about Valtor.

A few seconds later, the Winx come running towards us. "Aqua, you're okay!" Rena states, before looking at Jax. "Let's try this again." I nod in her direction, as she narrows her eyes at the wizards of the black circle. "Gravity change..." The four wizards are frozen in place, as I shoot her a smile.

"Good one, Rena!" Bloom states. "It's time to transform!" They nod in agreement, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. If Jax is here, then does that mean that the other guys are here as well?

"Winx: Enchantix!"

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I turn to stare at the wizards of the black circle. "I'm done with your little games, fairies," Ogron says, before absorbing the gravity spell. "Now, it's my turn. Gravity change." My eyes widen in horror, as the gravity starts to pull us towards the ground. A second later, sound beams hit us, as I scowl in pain.

"Leave them alone!" A voice shouts, as the other guys make their appearance. Jax holds up his arms, creating a shield around us. "You'll regret harming our girlfriends," Sky states, glaring at the wizards of the black circle.

Ogron groans in annoyance. "The last earth fairy isn't here," he says. "Wizards, let's not waste our time with these losers!" I scrunch my brows, as the wizards of the black circle disappear into thin air.

I look over at Jax, before approaching him and giving him a big hug. "Thank you so much," I say, before furrowing my eyebrows in concentration. "But, what are you doing here?" He furrows his eyebrows in concentration, before looking at me for a moment.

"Aqua, I was worried about you and wanted to help," he admits. "I keep blaming myself for what Valtor did to you. I wish I could've protected you better. I don't want you to be hurt anymore. I'm just glad I stepped in when I did." My face softens, as I bury my face into his chest and hold him close to me.

"Thank you, Jax..." I murmur, as he gently holds me close to him. A smile forms on my lips, as I relax into his embrace. I always feel safe whenever I'm with him. That's when we hear Bloom and Sky arguing.

Jax sighs heavily, before letting me go. "It's time to go, Sky," he says sharply, before looking at me. "I'll see you soon, Aqua." I wave good bye, wishing that he wouldn't be leaving at all. I put my hand on Bloom's shoulder, as she lowers her head in dismay. Poor thing...

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